December 2024 and January 2025 Update

Sometimes it’s all too easy to get stuck in our own circumstances. Praise the Lord He’s with us. Praise the Lord we have this hope to ground ourselves in the truth when distractions and trials come: “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things of the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory,” (Colossians 3:1-4, NKJV). I’m so thankful for His faithfulness to continue to grow me heavenward, to know that He loves me beyond my greatest imagining, that my sins are paid for once and for all, and that He will neither leave me nor forsake me. He is more than able to place us where He wants us, and give us the strength to endure in any circumstance.
December was a bit of a whirlwind, but it was a blessing. Things settled down quite a bit after our last semester ended, and it was a nice change of pace and allowed me to prepare and plan for coming back stateside. It was a blessing continuing to draw closer to students. Praise the Lord I’ve been continuing to see my Spanish grow (thank you for Your prayers—the Lord is strengthening me to learn). One highlight before I flew home was a big outreach we did to our community. We called it Dar es Amar (To Give is to Love). People from our church and others donated presents and money for toys where we could wrap presents and prepare lunches for children in need and go out into our community, share the Gospel and practically the love of Jesus for these little ones by giving them a gift with that message of freedom. That they would remember they received something because Jesus loves them. Please keep praying that the Lord would equip us to share well His Gospel for the glory of His name. December 22nd I flew back stateside—I arrived Monday the 23rd around 12pm and I was so excited to see my aunt and go get some In-N-Out. I was so blessed to be able to see my family and spend time with them on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. After a long year it was good to be with loved ones. A final highlight was getting to teach the Young Adults at the Rock the next day. It’s a blessing to see how the Lord is moving and stirring in the hearts of His people to serve Him where they are and to go the nations.

January was a whirlwind and a blessing all at once. I got to see many old friends, make passport appointments, take a family trip, and share at multiple churches. I got to spend a lot of time at my home church—Calvary Chapel the Rock and it was a blessing to see what the Lord has been doing with my church family back in California. There were a lot of little logistical things, meeting up with people to catch up after being on the field for a year, and new relationships made as well. It was a blessing of a time. My weekends were full as well as I shared at Calvary Chapel Willits on the first Sunday of the month and then at the Rock for a missions gathering and dinner the next week. I was so blessed by the opportunities and all of the support from all who came. It was refreshing and bittersweet as my time stateside was coming to an end, but I’m blessed to have the opportunity to represent the Lord on the field and am so thankful to have you partnering with me in prayer and support to take His name to South America and beyond. I’m now officially an SGWM missionary. I got to spend a week down South seeing some old friends, and getting to meet with the staff at Saving Grace to go over different protocols, share with their missions students, and enjoy some time with them all. In the midst of the busyness, the Lord brought refreshment. I pray the Lord would refresh your hearts for the refreshment you’ve been for me.

I got back to Trujillo at 9:45am Jan. 21st and at the same time as a team that was coming to help us at the church. We hit the ground running. We had two small construction teams and got a lot done. I was so encouraged to see their work ethics and hear the work that the Lord has done in their lives. They were an absolute blessing. I hope to see them again soon.

What’s Next?
Please be praying, things with the property in Argentina are moving along and may be heading there sooner than first anticipated. Here at CBI Perú I’m going to be heading up evangelism for the students, practical service hours, head up different construction projects, help disciple the students, and prepare more for the work in Argentina. There is much to be done, and I need His strength. I cannot do it without the empowerment of His Spirit. Our next semester has just started and I’m so excited to see what the Lord is going to do! Please pray for the leadership, and please pray for the students that this would be a fruitful time that the Lord would reveal the call He’s placed on the lives of His children.

How to Get Involved…
Please pray! There is no greater need for me than for prayer of the work that the Lord has called me to do. I need His wisdom and guidance. I need the empowerment of His Spirit. I need His provision. Please pray that I would prioritize evangelism and discipleship as there is absolutely a need. Please pray that I would redeem my time well using it for the glory of His name. Please pray that the Lord would open doors for the work in Argentina and that we would be able to establish a sending hub in the South of the continent to reach South America.
For the glory of His name,