A couple of Fridays ago I was teaching on Mark 13 to my Middle Schoolers, just asking them if they were really ready for Jesus to come back. Many said no, and the Lord got them thinking about it in ways they hadn’t before or in a while. A big question for me lately is, “am I ready for Jesus to come back?” My oh my has He been doing a work in my heart with that one. It’s been a very busy season of life, but I feel like it’s been a fairly productive one too. Its been amazing to see the Lords provision and strength as Ive been dealing with work, ministry, and some big transitions as I prepare to go to Peru. Many things have been weighing on my heart regarding family and other practical needs that need tending before I would leave for Peru. Many of those big things are being provided for as we speak, and I am looking forward to all that the Lord is going to do.
The Lord has certainly provided for this go around to Peru, your prayers and financial support are such a blessing! As I am currently in country and have been up to a lot the last two days, this update will be a segway into a special second edition coming soon to an email near you. Already I see the Lord doing much to prepare my heart and mind for the challenges that may come and I am beyond grateful for how the Lord has been giving me the grace to deal with it well. On Saturday morning it became clear there would be a couple snags as I headed down to join the team en route to Peru. An early delay brought about a flight carrier and connection change so I ended up meeting the team in Lima rather than at LAX. I honestly had a fair amount of time to spare and even with delays and some other curve balls the Lord caused me to meet up with the team from Saving Grace almost right after they checked their bags. Prior to that I got to meet an elderly gentleman by the name of Jeff. We had a great conversation, but outside of me sharing what I was up to, I didn’t get to talk with him more about the Gospel. He’s an American ex-pat who lives in Thailand with his wife and adopted daughter and couldn’t speak more highly of the Thai people. With that he expressed that he felt he aligned most with Buddhist ideals and beliefs, and kindly emphasized he was not a Christian. As I was trying to find a pause to share and at least give a few Gospel thoughts to hopefully spark some eternal thinking about what would happen when he died, and point him to a loving Savior, there was a call to prep for boarding. Any chance I had may have disappeared as I didn’t see him again long enough to share. Please pray that the Lord world bring more Christians to share the Gospel with him and that he would have a heart to hear the Lord’s call!
After meeting up with the team in Lima around 10pm California time, we boarded our flight 2 hrs later and got into Trujillo around 5:30am Peru (Texas) time. So far it’s been a sweet but busy couple days. Many familiar faces and lots of new ones as we’ve also been joined by CBI Kauai. Please be praying for our teams and the outreach that will be happening in the midst of the big church planting conference coming later this week! There’s a lot to do, but with the Lord and many of his hands I know He will see us through. He is up to something good, and Im excited! With that I think its time for me to go to bed! Hopefully I will be doing a workout bright and early! Prior to my part 2, feel free to add me on Facebook or Instagram for some behind the scenes looks at what the Lord is up to down here en Péru.
-Middle School while I’m in Peru (Miss them already)
-Time in Peru, to bring refreshment for students and pastors who are serving and attending the conference
-For teams to stay bold in the Lord and for his hand of protection during service and outreach
-Team unity
-Hearts to be stirred for missions
-Laborers for the harvest is plentiful…
-Relationships with students and staff to grow
*for the Lords will to be done!
P.S. If you’re wondering how you can get involved with what the Lord is doing, I will be giving some more info about that on part 2.
Thank you for your prayers and God bless you!