
Are You Ready: Part 2

“Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” -1 Timothy 6:12 (NKJV)

“Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” -Philippians 3:12-14 

Time can move so quickly! I am so thankful that the Spirit of God does an amazing work within His people and that we are ever being changed and moulded into the likeness of our Savior. Day by day He is making us new, and I look forward to seeing what He has in store for tomorrow! No matter where you find yourself today, especially as we move toward eternity, make Christ your aim! Run after Him with the strength He will provide! Time is short, let’s be about His business!

Peru (Part 2)

From power outages, to worship nights, to church planting, my time in Peru was a whirlwind! CBI Kauai was also there with us. Between all of us, we had a lot to do, and the Lord gave us the wisdom and ability to get it all done; and with time to spare. A few of the guys and I from the Saving Grace team were working on getting the new church banner up for Calvary Trujillo. We had a lot of help from Calvary Trujillo students as well as Kauai. This thing was huge! Almost 10 feet high by 50 feet long! After that I helped with the new coffee shop that was set up in the patio area (right under the overhang we helped install this past May). I even got to do some cabinet-work. The Lord knew what we needed and He helped us to get it all done! 

Each morning a pastor would share a morning devotional with us to start the day. These devos were a great preparation for what came with the conference. One of the devos that stuck out to me the most was on Acts 20:24 where Paul writes, “but none of these things move me…” He knew he was headed to Jerusalem to be bound and he continued anyway. What moves me? This has been a constant reflection since I heard it, and the Lord has been working away on me that I might be able to say as well, “but none of these things move me.” Please pray that I would be so rooted in Jesus.

Getting to serve there alongside the students, staff, and the other short term teams was a huge blessing. Seeing their hard work, tenacity, and joy in the face of many obstacles and trials was an incredible thing. Be encouraged church, there are a lot of young people that want to see this world effected for the Lord. He’s doing an incredible work, and the growth that is taking place is a beautiful thing to see.

What’s next?

I am excited to say that this January, Lord willing, I will be heading to Peru to serve alongside Calvary Trujillo and CBI Peru. I have an incredible opportunity to serve and learn the ropes of helping run a Bible College. An opportunity to disciple and help raise up the next generation of church planters, pastors, missionaries, and to see them sent out wherever the Lord calls them. I am excited to see all that the Lord has in store, and to be able to grow in the call He’s placed on my life. Jesus is coming soon! Let’s be busy and about His business! This whole world needs to hear and I won’t be satisfied, I won’t stop, until I’ve walked in all that He has for me this side of eternity! It’s not just me going, but the Lord has stirred in the heart of a good friend to come as well. Please pray that we would stand firm and be faithful in all that He has set before us.

How to Get Involved

Thank you for partnering with me in prayer! It has been a long time in waiting for the Lord to reveal what’s next, and I’m excited to go! This season, in many ways, has been surreal and bittersweet as I will miss my family (biological and spiritually speaking) a whole lot. This life is a vapor and where Jesus leads I must follow! Would you please continue to pray for me? To be faithful, to fall more in love with Jesus, and to make disciples well? Would you pray for me that I would follow His leading in all things, and that His Spirit would provide the wisdom, strength, and grace needed for all that He is calling me to? I need His strength, His guidance, and His wisdom. I know He will provide all that is needed, and I look forward to seeing how He does it!

If you would like to get involved by partnering with me financially, there’s a link below to help make that possible. Thank you for your support!

In Christ,


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