Dear Pastors, Supporters and Church Family,
Greetings from my church to all of you!
Thank God that He helps us do all kinds of outreach. By the grace of God, the Gospel has reached 5 new villages! We were able to spread the news of the Lord Jesus Christ to a distance of about 1100 to 1200 kilometres (680 – 746 miles).
Some of these further outreaches were done as follows:
- Handed out New Testaments.
- Distributed biscuits to children.
- Went from house to house preaching the Gospel and praying.
- Played the Jesus film in 2 new villages.
- Celebrated Christmas with 300 people and also fed them lunch and preached the Gospel.
- Gave gifts to the children of our church who performed Christmas dance and drama etc.
If I were to write about each outreach in detail, it would take a lot of time, so I would like to share with you about three of these outreaches.
We showed the Jesus film, despite opposition, in a very rural and untouched village that is 400 kilometers away from my home!
Thank you for your prayers. Through your prayers and by God’s grace, I was able to reach a very untouched village. It took us about 8 hours by motorbike to reach this village. It was very challenging for me to ride a bike for such a long distance for the first time, but this was to share the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ.
When entering the village, I felt as if I had reached another world, because very rural people live there. My heart was filled with the hunger and thirst for the Lord Jesus Christ in this place. When we arrived, we did a prayer walk through the village. In the evening, we showed films in the village. People brought their blankets. Despite the cold, they watched the movie under the blankets. They sat near the fire and asked many questions about the Lord Jesus Christ. Many people asked us to pray about their problems in their homes. But some of them, who had traveled before and worked in another state, opposed the Lord Jesus Christ and started arguing. The other villagers there supported us and pacified them. Thank God that two people in this village believed in the Lord Jesus Christ!
When we were leaving, after showing the movie, it was very challenging for us to cross the bamboo bridge due to darkness. By the grace of God, we were able to reach another village safely. When we went to the next village, we were shown very good hospitality there, also. They had prepared good food for us.
The next day we showed them the Jesus Film, and people also came to watch the film in this village, as well. People sat down with their lotus flowers to watch the film and made a fire. Even in the cold, they stayed to watch until the end and it caused people to pray. In this village, people had installed big loudspeakers and had brought a sound system that they rented. I preached the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ on the microphone. The people of the entire village, about 5,000 people, heard the Good News of the Gospel! Two people accepted the Lord Jesus Christ in this village, also. Praise God!
We had a wonderful Christmas with 300 people, Christmas dances and Christmas skits!
I thank God that like every year in the past, this year God kept all of us safe during Christmas. It was a time of joy and fun. We went to four villages before Christmas and preached the Good News, gave them New Testaments, and invited them all to come to our church on Christmas. They all came!
Together, we were about 300 people. The children danced very well during the birthday song of Jesus. After watching the play, we were able to celebrate the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ with great joy and happiness. The children who danced and performed were also given gifts. Food was arranged for all those who came. I thank God and all of you that with your help all this was possible.
Prayer Requests:
- Please pray that the people who believed in Jesus where we did outreach remain steadfast in the Lord.
- Please pray that my mother’s health and bones get better.
- Please pray that the people of our church will remain grounded in the faith and know God’s Word more deeply.
- Please pray for our Admin’s father who is ill, may God heal him completely.
- Please pray for us as we are restarting the fellowship which was stopped two months ago due to opposition. Pray that God will protect me and my church.
- Please pray for my wife’s health. She has thyroid problems. May God heal her completely.
- Please pray that God gives us a child.
Thanks for your love, support and partnership for the Gospel.
God bless you all!
Pastor & Mrs. 11*
*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.