There always seems to be much to do, and sometimes it can be hard to balance all that’s before us. It can be so easy to get caught up and distracted in all of the little things that pop up in life that we can lose sight of what’s important. It can be far too easy to say yes and not have a plan to fulfill that word. There is a work– a task that He has called us to. If we allow Him, He will give us a grace that is sufficient for that task. It’s certainly not easy, but it’s worth it. He assures us that He will enable us by His grace to be all that He has called us to be. To give us the strength, and to empower our will by His Spirit for the glory of His name. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. There is nothing more worthy of our time and attention than the Lord, our relationship with Him, and what He has called us to.

These last several weeks have been a whirlwind. Just before April, I began my process for obtaining a religious workers residency to live and serve here in Peru. Shortly after, I was able to get a permission from immigration (as you’re not typically allowed to leave until you obtain the residency) to then go with our Pastor here to a conference in Mendoza, Argentina. That was all at the beginning of this month. The Lord provided. He opened doors, and He’s putting things in front of me to walk and serve in. There’s much to do, and as I’ve gotten older I like to be still–it’s stretching for me. Since we returned from Argentina, I’m excited to be back and to be serving as I’m taking on more responsibilities here with CBI Peru. Construction, on several fronts, is still under way, and my schedule is well balanced between responsibilities in construction and administration with the school. Much is happening here and God is doing a great work! I got to sit in on our Nehemiah class that Pastor Cory taught–it was a blessing! Seeing Nehemiah’s heart of service and devotion in the face of some overwhelming opposition. Seeing his faithfulness despite the opposition because he knew the thing that God had called him to… and that was to help rebuild the wall of the city of his ancestors. The Lord provided him all he needed, and He does the same for us today. For you and me. He’s been doing so with the church, and ministry of Calvary Trujillo. We’ve moved to two services a Sunday and we’re already very full, and more are giving their lives to the Lord. He is raising up people to serve and be a blessing where there are needs, and the CBI students are closely involved with what’s happening in the church. Growth is happening, and I’m excited to see all that the Lord is doing!

We just returned from our week of missions, and I was a part of the team that went to Moyobamba, a city in the jungle. It was a really sweet time, but I’ll share more about that in my May update–God is doing an incredible work there too!
How to Get Involved
Prayer! I need your prayers. For myself, for my walk with the Lord, that I would represent Him well in the work He has called me to, and that I would continue to be busy about the business He has called me to. We are helping train up the next generation of church planters, pastors, and missionaries here in Peru and God is doing a great work! And further expansion in the time to come. Would you please continue to pray for us? For this ministry? For my role in it and that God would make and keep me faithful in what He has called me to, and that I would help relieve burdens in ministry wherever He allows me. That I would point everyone here to a risen King and Savior, and that I would exemplify His heart, His love, and His forgiveness in all things. What He has called me to is worthy of my all because He first gave Himself for me. He is the goal, He is the prize, and He is absolutely worthy.
- Empowering by the Spirit
- Using my time well
- For immigration process to finish well and smoothly
- To have eyes to see what He’s doing
- To be led of the Spirit
- For strength and endurance
- Summer internship
- Next semester
What’s Coming Up
If you could please be praying for this summer, we have graduation in 3 weeks (2 more classes), and I am gaining more responsibility for the coming semester. Please pray for students to finish well. We also have our upcoming “Summer of Missions” program, pray all those who will come and intern over the summer to learn and that the Lord would cultivate a heart of surrender and to live on mission. Please pray for this upcoming semester that all who attend and serve would draw closer to the Lord and be better equipped for the life the Lord has called them to. Please pray for wisdom for the church and our pastors as we are needing to keep up with the growth that is taking place.
Service Opportunity!!
If any of you would be interested in interning over the summer we will have a 6-week missions training program (for those ages 18-29) where we will go through the book of acts and spend three 2-week periods in three different locations (here in Trujillo and in the jungle) serving and coming alongside church plants. If that sounds like something you would be interested in, please let me know!! I’ll put the link below so you can come check it out. Please let me know if you have any questions.
I love you all and am so glad to have your prayers and support. What I am doing here would not be possible without you–thank you!