It’s crazy to believe it’s been about a month since I last wrote. A lot has happened since I wrote last time. There have been ups and downs, events, and fun things to share. I’m excited to share some things God has done in the past month.
Divine Appointments
During my time at the Missions Training School (MTS), I have talked to a lot of people during work, classes, and outreaches. One of the most notable ones happened recently at a college campus outreach. At the beginning of our time at Cal State Fullerton, I noticed a girl was standing by some table materials. She was one of the only people in sight who wasn’t looking preoccupied with school or her phone so I walked up to her. I began as usual asking her what she thought about the afterlife. At first, she was a little stunned but responded and we talked about heaven and hell which she believed in. Like most people I meet she was quick to say the way you get to heaven is through good works. During our time talking, I noticed she had a strangely familiar accent. At one point it all clicked when she told me she was Jewish. For those who know me well enough, I’m not a very animated person most of the time but I was thrilled. It was such an open door because I have lived in Israel. I started to share about how Jesus is the promised Messiah. Then she brought up the question skeptically. What does the church think about Israel? This was another awesome opportunity to share that God is faithful to keeping His promises to the nation Israel and not only that but since He’s faithful to His people Israel, He’s faithful to save all those who call out to Him. It was an amazing moment. Yet also looking back at it, it was a sad moment. Here is a Jew, who is one of God’s chosen people and all she knows about Jesus is how His followers have been abandoning Israel. Despite all that, she heard the full gospel and hopefully, we can stay in contact as she plans on teaching a class on Hebrew which I want to attend. Please keep her in your prayers and pray for more opportunities to share with her.
One of the core parts of the Missions Training School is our preaching class. While it’s certainly not easy, it is one of the highlights of my week. During my time here I have taught through 2 books, Philippians and Jonah. At MTS, each student is required to teach an allotted amount of Scripture every week. For example, last week all first-year MTS students will be taught 1 Timothy 1:12-20. So during the week we are tasked with properly exegeting a passage (drawing out from the text what is already there). Like any Calvary Chapel, we learn to teach verse by verse through the whole book. Once we have prepared a sermon with an accompanying PowerPoint and paper handout, then we preach in front of the pastoral staff and our peers. Through this, I have learned so much about properly breaking down a text and learning to share from it. Not only that but I’ve watched the things I’m teaching being applied in my own life.

What’s Next?
One of the things I love about the Missions Training School is that there are opportunities to go to unreached countries all around us. Our church is constantly sending out missionaries. As I seek the Lord for what He has next for me, I’m praying about going on various Vision Tours. If you’re not familiar with what a vision tour is, neither was I until I got here. A vision tour is simply a trip to another country where we get to go and seek the Lord in said country to see the works already going on and to wait and see what the Lord would want to do. Thankfully there is one coming up in the fall which I plan to go to. Please pray the Lord would show me where He wants me as I plan on going.
Prayer/Praise Reports
- Pray for the College Campus outreaches as we are praying that God would open a door for us to be established as a club on both campuses
- Pray for our Israeli friend that God would open her heart to the gospel
- Pray that God would raise up more laborers to go out evangelizing to the Jews
- Pray that God would provide for the upcoming vision tours
- Praise God for our friend Jessica (from the last newsletter) who has been to almost every event Saving Grace has
- Praise God for our friend Kyle who has had it on his heart to go to France and share the gospel with some of his friends
- Praise God that He continues to work in our Young Adults group to bring new people
Thank you all again for all the prayers and support. I’m so excited about what the Lord will have in store for the next Newsletter. If you have any questions or want to hear more, feel free to reach out to me via email. If you would like to support me financially there is a link below. Thank you all again. God bless you.