Greetings from Mexico,

Our family hopes that you are your’s have had a blessed start to the summer! In our monthly update, I love to tell you about our missions and church planting adventures, but ultimately, most of what we do is tied up around our local church here in Rosarito Mexico! So in this update, I want to talk to you about what goes on at our local church during the week!

Our focus at our church is always on our weekend services. Presently, our weekend series is a series I have titled “The Greatest Stories Ever Told” , a verse by verse through the book of Genesis. Although our three weekend services in the sanctuary are our focus, they certainly aren’t the only thing going on in our church campus!

During each one of our services, we have a new believers class taking place where those that have recently professed faith can learn the basics of the faith! These new believers graduate from this class by getting baptized at our monthly baptism. Praise God that at our June Baptism, we had the honor of baptizing 16 people, most of them new believers.

Also on Sunday mornings we offer a bilingual adult Sunday School class that we call “Pillars” that focuses on the pillars of the Christian faith. Graduating from this course is a requirement to serve at our church. On any given Sunday morning we will have 20 friends taking this course, desiring to join the over 200 weekly servants that volunteer their time every week to serve God and His people. Over the summer we offer a special Wednesday edition of the pillars class during our midweek service, and the first week we had over 30 people attend the summer edition! (Pictures are of our Wednesday Pillars class taking place on our new upper room patio)

Also during our weekend services we are averaging over 300 children that have fun, receive love, and (most importantly) learn about Jesus! Our teachers gently and kindly share the message of salvation with all of our first time little guests, and many of these children have professed faith in Jesus Christ!

During the week, our activities change, but they certainly don’t slow down! At our midweek (Wednesday evening service) we are averaging over 500 men women and children coming out to study the life of Jesus through the Gospel of Luke! I have had the privilege of allowing my assistant pastors and visiting pastors to teach this series this summer, and they have blown me away with their teaching gifts.

Our main youth services meet on Wednesday nights with special events every Friday evenings. We also have a young adult group (ages 18 to 28) we call AGAMOS ( Greek word for un-married ) and they meet every Friday night and also host a once a month worship concert for the church!

Besides those ministries, each week we have the normal men’s and women’s Bible studies, purity groups for men and women, and over 20 small groups (we call them life groups) that meet throughout our city! We are also blessed to have a vibrant Celebrate Recovery Ministry that meets twice a week to help people overcome their hurts, habits, and hang-ups.

One of the things that blesses me the most is we have so many of our church friends involved in outreach and mercy ministries. Visiting the prisons and the dump weekly, serving in orphanages and men’s rehab centers, and the kids club that brings in street children every Saturday for a meal and a message about Jesus! All of these ministries are thriving and led by believers in our church.

Finally, one of our most important ministries of all is what we call our welcome center. Our church congregation does a great job inviting their unsaved friends and family members to come to our church! When our guests arrive, they experience the love of Jesus through His people, and receive an invitation to forgiveness and salvation at the end of each sermon. But to properly welcome these guests, our welcome center team does a fantastic job of telling them about the church, and giving them a little welcome gift.

As you can see our church is BUSY BUSY BUSY! But praise God that our believers are not only equipped to do the work of the ministry, they do it with joyful hearts! And they aren’t the only ones that do the work of the ministry here, YOU our precious friends and supporters are just as important to the great work that God is doing here! It is through your prayers that God meets our spiritual needs, and through your financial partnership that God meets our physical needs! So once again, we want to tell you thank you!
Con mucho amor de Mexico, (with much love from Mexico)
Mike, Sarah, Grace, and Daniel
Prayer Requests!
#1- That God would help us plug in and disciple the guests and non-believers that are visiting our church!
#2- That God would continue to provide for the needs of our family and church in Rosarito!
Praise Reports!
#1- Praise God for a great start to the summer, with 16 June Baptisms!
#2- Praise the Lord for 30 more friends that want to serve weekly at our church and are taking our Wednesday Pillars class!
For our personal support, checks should be made out to Saving Grace World Missions with “Vincent support” in the memo section. For special projects, checks should also be made out to Saving Grace World Missions or SGWM, with the project name in the comments section. Use the enclosed envelope or mail directly to Saving Grace World Missions, 17451 Bastanchury Rd., Suite 203, Yorba Linda, CA 92886-1873
For your convenience, you may consider giving through electronic funds transfer or direct deposit. Simply go to our mission’s website, or insert this web address into your web browser, Next, click on the “become a financial partner” button and fill out the information. If you want your gift to go to support our family, please write “Vincent” in the “purpose of gift” section.