Using the Gifts He’s Given Me

Thank you all for your continual support in prayer and for your partnership through finances. Since my last update, the Lord has given me the opportunity to continue to serve Him with our young adults ministry at CC Saving Grace. Apart from the internship, I have been able to continue to work both at Starbucks and at a swim school as an instructor. Andrea and I are preparing for the wedding and are currently looking into where we could live after we are married while we prepare for the big move to the Middle East.

Over the last few months, I have been given the opportunity to lead the young adults in worship. As a part of that, we have made it a habit to begin our meetings by sharing testimonies of how the Lord has given us opportunities throughout our week to share the gospel with those around us. This has been such an encouraging time in our meetings because it stirs us up with all the awesome ways the Lord uses us, as well as encourages us to continue to share His gospel. Aside from that, I was able to exercise another gift that the Lord has given me, which is to teach the word. I was able to teach for the first time through 1 Samuel 9-10. It was so humbling to be able to be used by God to speak into the lives of our young adults. It was just a taste of what is to come when I am in the Middle East. Please join me in prayer for those whom I will be able to teach the word of God to, that they may be used by Him to spread the gospel through the Middle East. I will continue to be teaching the young adults once a month along with the pastor who oversees the group until the Lord calls Andrea and I to move on into the Middle East.

Please continue to pray for Andrea and I as we are 2 months away from our wedding. We are currently looking for a home that is relatively affordable, so that we can continue to save money for our big move to the Middle East. Pray for our marriage: that the Lord will use it for His glory and that through it, the gospel may be seen by those around us. Please pray for continual financial provision and monthly support so that we can have what we need to actually pick up and move and live in a foreign country for the furtherance of God’s kingdom. We are still trying to build a care team that would be willing to get together monthly to pray for us and the work that God will be setting before us.

Over the last month, I had the opportunity to share the gospel with one of my coworkers. I was sitting down during one of my breaks reading my Bible, while we has getting ready to go home. He then came up to me and asked what I was reading; It was Acts chapter 15. I then proceeded to read the entire chapter to him, all the while explaining the text to him. I ended by telling him that no matter what we do, nothing is good enough to bring us into heaven. I told him that faith in Jesus Christ alone is the only way to heaven. I laid out the gospel for him clearly. He then said that there was something about me that he can’t explain (which I am pretty sure he was referring to the Holy Spirit and His gift of teaching in me). He thought it was interesting that I was answering all his heart’s questions as we were reading Acts 15 without him asking them out loud! God used this circumstance to confirm His call on my life to teach the word to others, and also to draw this young man a little closer to Himself.

Regarding Peru, it seems as if at least for now the door has been closed. Please continue to pray with me over this and that the Lord would work through it all. However, Andrea and I will be going on a vision trip to the Middle East this spring after we are married, in order to scout out where we might live and what that would look like, as well as to meet up with another intern who would have been living in the country for a few months by that time. Please pray with us over this trip, that the Lord would speak loudly and direct us, and that we would have the money needed to go on the trip as well as to pay our bills after being away from work.

Thank you once again for taking the time to read this update. I thank God for your partnership in the gospel, just as the church at Philippi had partnered with Paul. By taking the time to read this and pray over the work of God, we too are partners in the gospel. If this has stirred you to become more involved in this work, please feel free to reach out to me at and I would love to meet up with you in person and pray for one another and hear from you as well as share the vision. If this has moved you to want to partner with me financially, please feel free to click the “Become a Financial Partner” button below.

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray for the young adults group at CC Saving Grace.
  • Please pray for a care team to support us in prayer!
  • For our wedding.
  • For a place for Andrea and I to live.
  • For my coworker whom I shared the gospel with.
  • For the vision tour to the Middle East.

Praise Reports:

  • The Lord has been faithful through many circumstances to provide for all of my needs.
  • The Lord has allowed for teaching opportunities to arise.
  • God is opening doors for the gospel with those in my workplace.

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For His Glory,

Bryan Reyes