United in Christ – Boubion Update December 2023

Hello family, friends, and fellow co-laborers in the faith,

What an amazing and fruitful year “2023” has been! Full of twists and turns in the ministry, in our family, and in our own personal relationship with Jesus. Yet, God has remained true, amazing, faithful, patient, forgiving, and merciful with us! 

Family life

Celebrating Birthdays

November 19th, Cristian turned 18! Happy Birthday!
Geoff & Lydia’s wedding coming soon

Biblical Counseling 

My new office and counseling room is taking shape! (those are gifts for the children’s ministry in the black bags!) We have had a lot of requests for Biblical Counseling this season! Thankful to God, Claudia and I have about 7 additional people helping us!

Bilingual Women’s Study

“Women of Worth & Purpose.” Equipping and discipling ladies to be equipped for every good work, God has prepared beforehand for them to walk in.

Church Planting Visits and Conferences 

Paul got to visit The Rock Calvary Chapel in Port Charlotte, Florida. Pastor Aaron Smith and his wife Robbyn were wonderful hosts! That’s the Sunday service in the photo above. 

The 2023 Mexico Pastors and Leaders Conference in Mexicali gave me the privilege of saying hello to Pastor Hassan Villegas (CC Acapulco), Pastor Lucho Garcia and wife Nori from Calvary Gracia Lima, Peru! And Pastor John Barrilaro of CC Mexicali, the place where Claudia and I met doing missions work when John and Laurie started back in 1995!

I had the pleasure of connecting with my former pastor David Rosales and his wife Marie at a the Pastors and Leaders conference in Mexicali! Claudia and I were part of Calvary Chapel Chino Valley from 1995-2006.

Newlife Rehab clinic

My friend Hector was rescued from the streets by his sisters a year ago and brought to the rehab clinic in 2022. He was born again through the verse by verse Bible Study I get to do in the clinic every Tuesday night! I had the privilege of baptizing him earlier this year. He went to be home with the Lord in October and I was honored to share the eulogy at his memorial service.

Men’s Ministry

Pastor Mike and Pastor Ted watching the football game! We find that sports and food are a great way to reach men! Next to me is my new friend Gerardo. Next to him is Mario Vega, our next church planter!


Staff meeting on Monday mornings. Getting briefed, equipped, and discipled by Pastor Mike Vincent.
We recently celebrated our end of the year servant’s celebration. The Vincent family singers provided great music!

Patio Ministry 

Two friends I get to disciple: Edgar (L) and Salvador (R). We are enjoying a Saturday night service together!

Edgar was part of our life group and has gone with me to the rehab clinic and the youth prison to share his Christian testimony. Salvador has a great heart to worship God and will be accompanying me to the Rehab clinic in 2024!

“2024” plans if the Lord wills:

Bilingual Women’s Ministry missions trips and Paul’s mission trips:

Mission trips:

  • Help host a women’s retreat in Morelia, June 20-24,2024
  • Local one-day conferences: Ensenada, Otay, and Tijuana.
  • Host a women’s retreat in Lima, Peru!
  • Paul’s trip to Morelia, Oct 4-8, and the privilege of sharing at the retreat. 

Prayer requests:

  • Women’s Bilingual Bible Study: Continued vision, table leaders, women who attend to be equipped and discipled.
  • Rehab: Fresh vision and more committed and faithful men to accompany Paul.
  • Biblical Counseling: counselors guided by the Holy Spirit and counselees strengthened in the Lord.
  • One-day conferences in March and October. Topics, workshops, and hearts ready to be taught.
  • Family: Lydia’s upcoming wedding, Poiema heading to Peru to finish her second semester, Cristian finishing high school and future plans, Natalie finishing her first year as a high school science teacher while getting her Master’s, Benjamin’s future plans and as for Paul and myself: Keep Jesus first, our relationship second, family and ministry. 

Praising God, for all of our family, friends, and co-laborers in the faith. Thank you for partnering with us, believing in us, reaching out to us, praying, financially giving so that the ministries we are serving in can be encouraged, poured into, and have all they need, to fulfill God’s calling and good works He has prepared for them. This is your spiritual fruit as well. Merry Christmas and a very blessed and prosperous new year, spiritually, and physically. 

The best is yet to come!


Boubion Family