‘Tis the season, the time is now. We had an incredible spring, summer and start to fall in 2021. As we pushed hard to finish the year strong, we had one final curveball at the end. On Christmas Eve, I (Tim) got Covid. I have recovered with the exception of some lingering exhaustion but boy, what a loop that threw us for. We weren’t expecting that but God was and He used that time for Jenn and me to focus in on Him and spend the last few weeks of the year bonding together. A three strand cord is not easily broken and I figure the Lord wanted to strengthen that cord. Our quarantine time left us excited to see what the Lord has for us in 2022. We find ourselves falling more and more in love with Jesus and are more and more amazed at the things that He does and the ways He lets us participate.

Part of 2021 was running the Calvary School of Missions and this year, Jenn was able to be by my side the whole time. That was an indescribable blessing as I partnered with my bride full-time and watched God use her gifts, talents and experience. When we came back to the states after the summer, I continued directing the Saving Grace World Missions intern program with 19 Calvary School of Missions graduates who are being trained in the Biblical studies, cross-cultural ministry, church planting, and practical Christian ministry which covers every aspect of running a church. The end goal is to launch them into full-time cross-cultural ministry in the 10/40 window where they will plant churches and Bible colleges among the 3.2 billion people who have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ.

As I’ve said before, missionary care is at the heart of what Jenn and I believe the Lord has for us to do. At first we focused on those already on the field but now it is very clear that the Lord has plans and is using us to care for and raise up these young missionaries, helping them grow spiritually, emotionally, and relationally. What a joy it is to serve the Lord in this way.

Speaking of missionary care and having just celebrated Thanksgiving, Christmas and a New Year, we cannot help but think of, pray for, appreciate, and be grateful to those of you who have partnered with us along the way. We are so grateful for all of you who have cared for us prayerfully, emotionally, physically, financially, and relationally. You have helped us beyond what we can express; you have helped us to stay anchored and rooted in the calling God has on our lives and by caring for us, you have had a vital role in pouring into the lives of these young missionaries as well as those already established on the field. If the Lord leads you to partner with us financially, or increase your already generous support you can do so by clicking here to become a financial partner or by mailing your support check to
Saving Grace World Missions
17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203
Yorba Linda, CA 92886
*Note Pappas support in memo
All for His Glory,
Tim and Jenn Pappas
- Please pray for Jenn’s son, Andy, who is homeless and using drugs. Pray for her mom’s heart as it is broken. We have not heard from him in almost 4 months.
- Please pray for our care team which is being established in just a few short days with our first meeting on the 17th of January.
- Please pray for our dessert gathering in February. Pray that we will bring glory to God and be able to clearly express the calling He has on our lives as well as the directions we see Him calling us in down the road. Ultimately, pray that God is extremely glorified by our participation in His plans.