3 – 2 – 1 LIFT OFF ! ! – Pappas Update July 2024

Those were some of the most exciting words we ever heard when we were younger. As smoke billowed and restraints were released, thousands of tons of steel lifted into the air. There was a course, a destination, a goal, and even a plan, however, everybody knew anything could happen. Welcome to CSOM (Calvary School of Missions). By the time you read this, we are through the final countdown and have arrived at our destination. Bags were packed, vehicles serviced, a course prepared, a destination, a goal, and even a plan, however, everybody knows anything could happen. But unlike a rocket to outer space, our sovereign, all-powerful, all-knowing Father is in complete control. We are completely dependent on Him!!  Also, we are so grateful for your prayers, encouragement, and partnership in the Great Commission!! Did you know that the great commission isn’t a calling? It’s a COMMAND!

Meet the students & staff:

Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” – Matt 28:19-20 

We are super blessed that we get to be a part of His Great Commission!! We had it on our hearts to share with you a short answer to these two questions: “what is the unreached?” & “what is the 10/40 window?” We have been asked these questions a lot and want everyone to know!

CSOM students will spend the next six weeks learning the answers to these questions and understanding the need so please understand this is a condensed explanation that we would welcome you to contact us about so we could explain more in person. 

What is the unreached ?  

Definition: a population with less than 5% claiming to be Christian and of that, less than 2% evangelical.

The term “unreached” also refers to a people group among which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize this people group.

What is the 10/40 Window?   

I, Jenn, hear a lot of people ask me, “what is the 10/40 window?”  It’s a common question, I myself didn’t know what it was until 10 years ago when I began studying the Great Commission and learned what the purpose of the church is. The purpose of the Church’s existence on the Earth is for the evangelization and discipleship of all people.

The 10/40 window is a rectangular area of North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia between 10 degrees north and 40 degrees north latitude. It is often called, “The Resistant Belt,” and includes the majority of the world’s Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists. There is an estimated 5.37 billion individuals that reside in approximately 8,762 distinct people groups. 

The 10/40 window is home to the majority of the world’s un-evangelized countries. The “un-evangelized” are people who have a minimal knowledge of the gospel, and have no valid opportunity to respond to it. While it constitutes only one-third of earth’s total land area, nearly two-thirds of the world’s people reside there. That is a massive amount of people who if they were to die today, would stand before God in judgment for their sins, never having heard the name of Christ, never having had the chance to put their faith in Him for forgiveness of their sins.

We have the privilege to lead the Calvary School of Missions into an indigenous unreached tribe in the mountains of Mexico in August. This will be the 2nd year we are able to take the gospel and the love of Jesus to the tribe.

We look forward to seeing how the Lord will use us this year to these beautiful people!!

Here are a couple of videos you could watch to further understand our passion for the unreached: “Tears of the Saints” on YouTube, “The Great Imbalance,” and “Risk it all for Christian Mission.”

Praise reports:
God is moving in Andy’s life. He has just completed 20 days in an inpatient hospital. Jenn was able to spend time with Andy before leaving for 6 weeks. Tim’s back is improving and we as a couple are implementing personal disciplines that will help enable us to serve the Lord in this capacity. Jenn is recovering well from surgery.

Prayer requests:
Please pray for the 2024 Calvary School of Missions.  Wisdom and sensitivity to the leading of the Spirit as we plan out the rest of this year’s missionary care calendar.   Please pray that as a couple serving together in the office and on the field, that we continue to be steadfast in the Lord.   Please continue to pray for Tim. Although he is improving, he still continues to have back pain. Please pray for continued healing for Jenn. Pray for Andy’s salvation and his willingness to surrender his ways.

We love you all so much and thank you for being behind us. Through your generous, financial support you have made this ministry possible for us and we want to let you know that this is the fruit of your labor as well.  If the Lord leads you to partner with us financially, or increase you’re already generous support you can do so by clicking here to become a financial partner or mailing your support check to
Saving Grace World Missions

17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203 Yorba Linda, CA 62886

*Note Pappas support in memo

All for His Glory, 

Tim and Jenn Pappas

A Beautiful Display!! – Pappas Update July 2023

We hope you had a wonderful 4th of July. 

This year has been a beautiful display of God’s grace and power. Jenn and I continue to be amazed at God’s grace and how through His power He allows us to participate in His plan for the gospel to go out to the whole world. (Mark 16:15)

As the director of missionary equipping here at Saving Grace World Missions, Tim’s role has many facets. Missionary care has been one of the main thrusts of the last six years, the way it looks changes frequently and has expanded into much more than we ever imagined. 

Jenn has been able to join Tim in partnering in the ministry of missionary care more and more each month. Lately we have been able to be involved in field care for missionaries. We both got to go to a country we shall call South Asia for security reasons. This is a “closed country” but God does not believe in “closed countries”!! We were able to be there to assist in establishing one of our CSOM graduates to her new home and life as a full-time missionary.

– TJ in S. Asia –

A few months later, Tim got to travel with a team of pastors to relocate and establish four other missionaries in their new home in a Muslim country we shall not name for security reasons as well. This trip had a double blessing in it, one was that Tim got to see exactly where our team is planted. To be able to walk the streets they walk, smell the smells they smell, taste the food they eat, and yes, hear the sounds they hear. One of which is the demonic Islamic call to worship which echoes throughout the country several times a day.

This is of great benefit as we continue to minister to them having at least a little bit of a picture of where they are. 

Local Mosque – 11 million lost in Islamic Worship

We have poured into these Calvary School of Missions graduates over the last four years. They shared how meaningful and valuable it was to them for us to be by their side as they permanently moved to other countries in the heart of the 10/40 window, leaving all of the comforts of America behind to further the gospel.


  • Connecting with and caring for missionaries through technology.
  • Counseling opportunities. 
  • Jenn has been consistently discipling the intern girls along with overseas counseling to some women on the field. 
  • Housing missionaries on furlough or preparing to go to the field. 
  • Providing transportation (rides and the use of our vehicle).
  • Inviting them in our home for meals.
  • Hosting events for them at our home. 
  • Ongoing intern care and discipleship.

We love Missionary Care & Hospitality, Jenn describes it as a “heartfelt blessing”! We love blessing the missionaries when they pass through on furlough, providing housing, fellowship, and encouragement while they are are being refreshed.

“Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality” – Romans 12:10-13

The sacrifices our sisters and brothers make for the furtherance of the gospel is very humbling. While we bless them with fellowship, shelter, and encouragement, they ultimately bless us more! Jenn said she gets so fired up each time she meets with them to hear what God has been doing on the mission field in 🇵🇪 🇺🇬 🇲🇽 🇷🇴 and beyond! 


As we are only a few days away from launching the fifth Calvary School of Missions, there has been much to do. We will share more on that with you in our next newsletter, along with some very exciting news of ministry opportunities for Jenn and I. 

We want to close by thanking you all so much for your faithful friendship, love, and prayers throughout the years. 

Prayer Requests:

  1. Please pray for the 2023 Calvary School of Missions and for us as we get to lead this wonderful work of God
  2. Please pray for Tim as he leads a team to Perú late September/early October to help host the 2nd annual Calvary Chapel Missions Conference in South America
  3. Please pray for our son Andy as he is still missing and desperately needs Jesus
  4. Please pray for wisdom as we navigate the rest of this year. The calendar for missionary care and equipping is quite full and opportunities are not lacking. 

We love you all so much and thank you for being behind us. Through your generous financial support, you have made this ministry possible for us and we want to let you know that this is the fruit of your labor as well. If the Lord leads you to partner with us financially, or increase your already generous support, you can do so by clicking on the financial button below or mailing your support check to:

Saving Grace World Missions

17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203 

Yorba Linda, CA 62886

*Note “Pappas support” in memo

All for His Glory, 

Tim and Jenn Pappas

Catching Our Breath and Launching Forward

There was so much that happened over the summer that we felt it necessary to recap for a moment before we launch into this fall and winter season.

Bigger Than Ever

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21)
Calvary School of Missions (CSOM) 2022 was bigger than ever. With over 18 students, 6 leaders, 20 plus teachers and guest speakers, we are reminded of Ephesians 3:20-21 and yet again taught the all important lesson of not limiting God. 
Class Picture 2022
There is no possible way in newsletters to do justice to and bring God all the glory due His name for what He did this summer so we sincerely invite follow-up communication. Please engage with us! We would love to share more with you via telephone, video chat, or personal discussions over food or coffee. Having said that, we will try to give you a snapshot of what God allowed us to be a part of. As you can imagine, this was no small task; months and months and months of preparation went into this year including scheduling and interviewing potential students, teachers, and guest speakers, preparing curriculum and outreach opportunities, assembling a leadership team, organizing logistics of food, shelter, transportation, and much more. It is exhausting to even think of, let alone execute.

By God’s grace, on July 10, we were ready to go and had a beautiful send off from our home church and church planting hub, Calvary Chapel Saving Grace. Words cannot express how grateful we are to be part of a body that understands the importance of the evangelization and discipleship of all nations and whole heartedly gets behind the Calvary School of Missions.

We sent out several newsletters over the summer and don’t want to revisit things we already wrote about so we invite you to view our blog and see those past posts.

Wonderful Opportunities

Tim got to teach at several churches in Culiacan as well as at the first ever missions conference at Calvary Chapel Culiacan. The title of the conference was Mexico and Beyond and it was exciting for the students and staff to be part of church planting history. Pastor Hugo Limón allowed us to basically take over the church and run the whole conference and what a blessing it was as Pastor Hugo, Pastor Trent, Pastor Rob and Pastor Tim taught on the purpose of the church and the great need to reach the unreached nations of the world with the Gospel.
Fruit of the Ministry

As we return home and try to wrap up CSOM 2022, so much is yet to be done. We will bore you with those details another time, but we wanted to share that there is much fruit from the last four years of CSOM. It is yet to be seen what God will do in the lives of the young men and women that joined us this year, but we have eight students from years gone by that are on a path to be in the Middle East by spring 2023. There is a great work going on in a country we choose not to disclose for security purposes where God has opened up an incredible opportunity to start a base for church planting in the Middle East. These CSOM (Calvary school of missions) interns are currently in the process of transitioning to this country to begin language lessons and cultural immersion. We can’t believe God is allowing us to have a front row seat to see what He is going to do in the Muslim nations through CSOM. Another one of the interns will be moving to South Asia to join the work God has allowed us to be part of there and two others will be heading for Japan.

Tim and I are so blessed to be part of the Great Commission, serving together, supporting the youngsters in their callings, and training them up! Especially being able to serve alongside each other. We are happy to be home in our home church body, however, I ( Jenn ) especially enjoyed meeting more of our church body in Sinaloa, Mexico. While traveling and visiting the many church plants, I was reminded of 1 Corinthians 12:12-14.

Meeting new sisters and building the relationships already established was so heartfelt. Words can’t express how in awe I was to meet so many sisters in Christ and to see what our Great Lord has been doing in their lives and in the abundance of His blessings around their communities. We were far away from home, but being with our brothers and sisters, I felt as if I was home! Below are just a few pics of some things we got to do.

Missionary care & many church plants visited
CC Agauruto Women’s Conference

CSOM Ladies 2022
 Prayer Requests
1. Please pray for Tim as he leads a team to Perú, November 1 through November 9 to help host the first ever Calvary Chapel missions conference in South America
2. Please pray for our son, Andy as he is still missing and desperately needs Jesus
3. Please pray for wisdom in our ending of this year and beginning of next. The calendar for missionary care and equipping is quite full and opportunities are not lacking. 

We love you all so much and thank you for being behind us. Through your generous prayer and emotional and financial support, you have made this ministry possible for us and we want to let you know that this is the fruit of your labor as well. 
If the Lord leads you to partner with us financially or increase your already generous support, you can do so by clicking here to become a financial partner   or by mailing your support check to:

Saving Grace World Missions
17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203 
Yorba Linda, CA 92886
*Note Pappas support in memo

All for His Glory, 
Tim and Jenn Pappas

Refresh the Weary and Satisfy the Faint

Jeremiah 31:25 says, “for I have satiated the weary soul, and I have replenished every sorrowful soul.” 

I hear that Jeremiah was a weeping prophet, but honestly, I feel he had such faith and courage. A lot of waiting and patience! 

In these past few months, I (Jenn) have been reflecting on the characteristics and values of the prophets and prophetesses in the Bible. I’ve been thirsting for His presence and direction in our life. Don’t misunderstand me, our life is full of God‘s blessings and He continues to allow privileges and opportunities for us to serve Him. As many of you may know, my son Andy is choosing to be homeless and living in the streets of Orange County with mental illness, alcoholism, and drug addiction, and it’s very painful for my mother’s heart to watch. I am grateful for a very supportive and loving husband and, most importantly, our Father who continues to show up.  We were recently able to connect with Andy on March 19, after not seeing him for five months. I see God using this season to deepen our faith and trust in Him. Hannah & Sarah in the Old Testament prayed & prayed for years and God fulfilled the desires of their hearts. I believe God will radically save my son in His timing. His Word says that He raises the poor out of the dust, and lifts the needy out of the ash heap (Ps 113:7) and that the Lord is near those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit (Ps 34:18).

Also, while Tim was in central Mexico, I was able to water some relationships by spending time with my mom, connecting with some of the women who encourage and support me, as well as visiting with my middle son who lives in Dana Point.  I had the privilege to go to Mexico and visit Calvary Chapel Homex where our friends, Eddie and Jeanette, serve. I crossed the border on foot for the 1st time and Jeanette picked me up. It was a blessing to see a woman that was saved from the dump last summer there at church.

I also had the opportunity to serve at Voice of Refugees’ (VOR) Women’s Day by watching the babies and making jewelry for the ladies. It was such a blessing to demonstrate Jesus’ love to the women and children of many middle eastern countries like Afghanistan. 

So much good is happening in our lives and in the ministries God allows us to participate in. We want to thank you all so much for partnering with us through prayer, emotional support, and your very generous financial support. We are more grateful than we could ever express. If anyone would like to hear more about what is going on in our lives, we would welcome an email, phone call, or private get together where we could share more personally with you. In a more public setting, we are having a dessert gathering on Sunday, April 24th at 6:30pm in the High School Room at Calvary Chapel Saving Grace. We will share what we’ve been up to and what the Lord is doing in our lives and we would love you to come on out for delicious dessert & fellowship. 

Church address is 17451 Bastanchury Rd, Yorba Linda, CA 92886

Love is in the Air

So far 2022 is off to a great start! Valentine’s Day has just passed and love is in the air and on the hearts of a lot of people so, naturally, we are seeking to make sure that people know of the greatest love ever; the love of God that transforms the soul through faith in Jesus Christ. Jenn and I have been having a great time every Thursday night hosting some of our church family for a mid-week life group. Conversations have been deep, the fellowship has been sweet and the focus has been on taking what we learned from God’s word on Sunday and sharing it with someone during the week. 

Jenn and I continue to have the privilege of investing in the lives of 20 young adults who are interning with Saving Grace World Missions. They have come out of the Calvary School of Missions (CSOM) over the last three years and we are excited to say one of the interns is well on his way to serving in a Middle Eastern country. He just finished a three month internship in a Muslim country and is home for a brief stay before he is off to his final destination. I apologize for the cryptic nature of this information but the location in the Middle East is a sensitive one and I don’t want to jeopardize his security. I will say this though, God is doing a great work and hopefully we will see a Bible college and church plants birthed from this key location in the Middle East. Another intern is currently serving at one of our Bible college campuses in South Asia. Yet again the need for security is great and I am unable to share too many details but I wanted you all to know that the Lord is moving and teams are being built from these passionate servants of Jesus Christ who have committed themselves to the internship program in order to become better equipped to serve our Lord in the 10/40 window. It is important for you to know that this spiritual fruit will be credited to your account. Because of you, we have been able to disciple, equip, care for and love on these passionate world changers. Thank you so much for the many ways you support us in our work. 

We started this update speaking of love, and there is something in the lives of two other 2019 CSOM graduates that we can be more specific on; we had the joyous opportunity to celebrate the wedding of Bryan and Andrea, a young couple who love each other deeply but love the Lord even more so. Jenn and I were there when they first started making “googly” eyes at each other at our very first school of missions and we are so glad that they ignored our no fraternization policy as the Lord brought this couple together. They are focused on and called to the Middle East as well but will be spending a season learning how to be a married couple. Please pray for them as the Lord grows them together.

Bryan and Andrea’s wedding

Lastly, we wish to share that another exciting opportunity is in front of us as I lead a 15 person team to central Mexico for a church planting conference and to visit eight church plants. A lot of details go into preparing and leading a trip like this so please keep that in prayer. God is good and by His grace it is coming together nicely. The team departs for Mexico at the end of February and will be back in mid-March. Shortly after that we are anticipating being able to host a dessert gathering/update on all that the Lord has been doing in our lives and all of the wonderful ministry opportunities He has allowed us to engage in. We will keep you posted on that date and location as it draws nearer.


Praise our great God and King that – 

1)  God has allowed our son Andy’s whereabouts to be known to us three times last month

2)  Jenn and I keep falling deeper and deeper in love

3)  Our friendships and personal relationships keep growing deeper


Please pray for –

  1. Central Mexico trip
  2. Jenn while Tim is gone
  3. Andy to get the help he so desperately needs

Again we want to thank you so much for your partnership with us as we seek to fulfill the great commission as well as reach the nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ. If the Lord leads you to partner with us financially, or increase your already generous support you can do so by clicking here to become a financial partner or by mailing your support check to

Saving Grace World Missions

17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203 Yorba Linda, CA 92886

*Note Pappas support in memo

All for His Glory, 

Tim and Jenn Pappas

‘Tis the Season

‘Tis the season, the time is now. We had an incredible spring, summer and start to fall in 2021. As we pushed hard to finish the year strong, we had one final curveball at the end. On Christmas Eve,  I (Tim) got Covid. I have recovered with the exception of some lingering exhaustion but boy, what a loop that threw us for. We weren’t expecting that but God was and He used that time for Jenn and me to focus in on Him and spend the last few weeks of the year bonding together. A three strand cord is not easily broken and I figure the Lord wanted to strengthen that cord. Our quarantine time left us excited to see what the Lord has for us in 2022. We find ourselves falling more and more in love with Jesus and are more and more amazed at the things that He does and the ways He lets us participate. 

Part of 2021 was running the Calvary School of Missions and this year, Jenn was able to be by my side the whole time. That was an indescribable blessing as I partnered with my bride full-time and watched God use her gifts, talents and experience. When we came back to the states after the summer, I continued directing the Saving Grace World Missions intern program with 19 Calvary School of Missions graduates who are being trained in the  Biblical studies, cross-cultural ministry, church planting, and practical Christian ministry which covers every aspect of running a church. The end goal is to launch them into full-time cross-cultural ministry in the 10/40 window where they will plant churches and Bible colleges among the 3.2 billion people who have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Intern Class Time

As I’ve said before, missionary care is at the heart of what Jenn and I believe the Lord has for us to do. At first we focused on those already on the field but now it is very clear that the Lord has plans and is using us to care for and raise up these young missionaries, helping them grow spiritually, emotionally, and relationally. What a joy it is to serve the Lord in this way. 

Speaking of missionary care and having just celebrated Thanksgiving, Christmas and a New Year, we cannot help but think of, pray for, appreciate, and be grateful to those of you who have partnered with us along the way. We are so grateful for all of you who have cared for us prayerfully, emotionally, physically, financially, and relationally. You have helped us beyond what we can express; you have helped us to stay anchored and rooted in the calling God has on our lives and by caring for us, you have had a vital role in pouring into the lives of these young missionaries as well as those already established on the field. If the Lord leads you to partner with us financially, or increase your already generous support you can do so by clicking here to become a financial partner or by mailing your support check to

Saving Grace World Missions

17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203 

Yorba Linda, CA 92886 

*Note Pappas support in memo

All for His Glory, 

Tim and Jenn Pappas


  1. Please pray for Jenn’s son, Andy, who is homeless and using drugs.  Pray for her mom’s heart as it is broken. We have not heard from him in almost 4 months. 
  2. Please pray for our care team which is being established in just a few short days with our first meeting on the 17th of January.
  3. Please pray for our dessert gathering in February. Pray that we will bring glory to God and be able to clearly express the calling He has on our lives as well as the directions we see Him calling us in down the road. Ultimately, pray that God is extremely glorified by our participation in His plans. 

Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men!

We are so grateful for you and your support in getting us to the 3rd year of CSOM!  Your prayers, encouragement & financial support mean so much to us as we step out in faith and serve TOGETHER in Rosarito, Mexico. We made record time in arriving Sunday to the Connections House, a missions team dorm owned and operated by our dear friends Ron and Kristy Struska. We were just in time to have killer tacos prepared by who we think is the best taco guy in Mexico. We will be here at the CSOM (Calvary School of Missions) for 6 weeks leading, discipling, shepherding to 12 students who have the desire to become missionaries. Pouring into these 12 future disciples is such a huge calling and responsibility. We are so excited to see what God is going to do through these students and through us as a couple.  

Thank you to the body @ CCSG for sending us off with prayer and encouragement. We have truly felt the prayers!  

Pastor Trent kicked off Sunday evening orientation & class in the book of Matthew 4:18 where Jesus asks the 4 fishermen to leave their nets and follow Him. To surrender EVERYTHING to the Lord! As we both serve alongside each other here in Mexico and lead the students, we pray that we can surrender everything, all our desires, dreams, wishes, ideas… WE want to be fully surrendered to have complete vision of the Great Commission! We want to be ready to receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on us to go to the ends of the earth, Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. Pick me, Send US! Until then, the calling on our life right now is right where we are. To train up our future generation to follow Jesus! We absolutely feel privileged and honored to be serving here in Mexico.  

Pastor Trent Introduction
Class time

This week we will be filled with morning classes with Pastor Trent teaching Surrendering to God’s Will, The call to follow Jesus, Building Partnerships, The Purpose of the Church. We spend every morning & evening seeking the Lord in His Word, praying & interceding for the nations. We will visit CC Home X to take sandwiches, soups, fruit & the love of Jesus with prayer, evangelism & worship. The students will serve at CC Rosarito on Wednesday evening service & Sunday. The students will also have the opportunity to experience street witnessing in Rosarito with CC Rosarito. Visit CC Vista Del Valle for a park outreach.  

CSOM students & leaders

We appreciate everyone who has come alongside us, we know we are not alone, we feel the prayers and encouragement from our body, friends & family.  Please continue to pray!  There is so much power in prayer.  While reading David Platt’s “Radical” book, two points stuck out. 1. “Commit to believe whatever Jesus says!” 2. “Commit to obey what you have heard!”  

We appreciate your prayers and are so grateful for you who have already joined us in prayer, If the Lord leads you to partner with us financially, or increase your already generous support you can do so by clicking here to become a financial partner or mailing your support check to
Saving Grace World Missions

17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203 Yorba Linda, CA 92886. *Note Pappas support in memo


Tim & Jenn Pappas

Ready, Set, Go . . . .

It’s hard to believe we are here, just days away from launching year three of the Calvary School of Missions. It has been an incredible journey in preparing young men and women to be future missionaries and Jenn and I can hardly believe that God has given us a front row seat to watch these young world changers blossom. Year one and year two students are teaming with testimonies of how God has touched their lives, stretching them and molding them in amazing ways

CSOM Class 2019
CSOM Class 2020

Each year has had its unique set of highs and lows, challenges and victories that God was faithful to see us through. We are sure this year will be no different and are looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us. One of the foreseeable highs that we want to share with you is that this year Jenn will be joining Tim for the whole six weeks! Jenn has not been able to go for more than a week at a time the last two years and as many of you know this has been such a difficult, but worthwhile, sacrifice. Year one we were newly engaged and year two we were newly married. Jenn made such a sacrifice and was so supportive, but being apart for six weeks each year was by far the hardest thing we went through together. So please rejoice with us this year as the Lord has answered over two years worth of prayer and made a way for Jenn to be there. We are excited for the opportunity this will afford us to grow deeper together in our calling of equipping and caring for missionaries.

Together on the field at last

Another one of the things that will be different this year is that we will be putting out a newsletter each week to take you along on the journey with us. You have already been such a big part of our calling and our walk and we feel this will be another great way to partner with you in the great commission. 


* Pray for the next phase of our life & marriage, but most importantly that we continue to strengthen our trust & faith in God and stay faithful to the calling He has for us right now! 

  • Pray for God to provide financially as we take this step of faith. Jenn’s job ended enabling her to join me this summer. But that means we won’t get a paycheck during this summer. Please pray that all our needs are met and that we can raise the finances needed to sustain us.
  • Pray for Jenn’s physical condition as she is still recovering from her surgery. 


  • Jenn continues to lead a growth group with women studying the Bible together and growing through the Word of God. 
  • Tim continues to get teaching opportunities and is growing in his ability to teach God’s word
  • Tim’s sister accepted Jesus into her heart is on fire for Him and is attending Calvary Albuquerque. 

We are so thankful for your prayers and your support both financially and emotionally. We shudder to think what it would be like trying to do this without you and we need you now more than ever. We are in need of people who wish to partner with us financially and are so grateful for you who have already joined us in this area. If the Lord leads you to join us financially, or increase your already generous support, you can do so by clicking here to become a financial partner or mailing your support check to
Saving Grace World Missions

17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203 Yorba Linda, CA 92886

*Note Pappas support in memo

All for His Glory, 

Tim and Jenn Pappas

Spring Has Sprung

Spring has sprung into action and so have we. So much has happened since the last time we had written, just like so much happens in the months prior to spring. We have had a wonderful season of being able to invest in the lives of others and have others invest in us. In February/March, I (Tim) was able to go to central Mexico where I was able to be involved in Missionary care as well as Missionary equipping all in one. We went to visit one of our newest SGWM Missionaries in Acapulco… before you start thinking it’s all sunsets and palm trees, Acapulco is ranked the city with the fourth highest murder rate per capita in the world and is an extremely hard place to minister the gospel of Jesus Christ.  It had been so long since anyone had been to see them that our missionary identified himself as an orphan missionary. We spent several days there visiting the work, serving in their church and edifying the family. As we were leaving I asked him if, as a result of our visit, he felt more equipped to continue on in the ministry and he answered emphatically yes. That was when it struck me that missionary equipping has many more dimensions than just training up and equipping young adults who graduate from the Calvary School of Missions. 

Speaking of graduates from the CSOM we also had an opportunity to visit, pray with and encourage a year one graduate/alumni. She is still very focused on serving in the 10/40 window amongst unreached people groups and we are going to do all we can to assist her. 

Us leaders with SGWM Missionary, CC Acapulco senior pastor
Visiting with CSOM Alumna in Acapulco

The second leg of our journey was to Mazatlan to visit Calvary Chapel Maranatha, a church plant from one of our church plants, Calvary Chapel Rosarito. We got to take part in their church planting conference and visit one of our missionaries there as well. It was such a joy to see what the Lord is doing there and again our missionary on the ground reported to be greatly encouraged by our visit and strengthened and equipped to continue on in the work she has been called to.

Last was a weekend youth retreat in Rosarito Beach where I was blessed with the opportunity to be a driver/chaperone as our high school pastor took a group of high school students and young adults to minister in Baja. 

Please pray for Jenn and I as the Lord continues to stir our heart for destinations south of the border. We are not completely sure what this looks like, as often is the case with the Lord, but we do know and see him calling us and using us more and more in Mexico.

We appreciate your prayers and are so grateful for those of you who have already joined us in this area. If the Lord leads you to partner with us financially, or increase you’re already generous support you can do so by clicking here to become a financial partner or mailing your support check to

Saving Grace World Missions

17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203 Yorba Linda, CA 62886

*Note Pappas support in memo


  • Praise God Jenn’s neck continues to heal nicely from her surgery. 
  • Praise God for His protection in our travels
  • Praise God for His provision to meet our needs


  • Please pray for wisdom as Tim directs the Calvary School of Missions 
  • Please pray for a way for Jenn and I to serve together at the school this year as six weeks apart from each other is very difficult.
  • Please pray for our family as our uncle passed away this week.

All for His Glory, 

Tim and Jenn Pappas

Full Speed Ahead!

Happy new year everyone, Jenn and I are excited to see what 2021 holds. We have talked to a lot of people and hear a lot of hope for a better year ahead. So far we have not seen it. I hate to burst anyone’s bubble even though have a hope and a future in Christ, ultimately times here on earth will get worse and worse. Jenn and I have purposed in our heart to dump the clutch, grab a gear and stomp on the gas.  Full speed ahead. Some of you older crowd know the context of that saying. We’re not concerned with the danger, we’re not discouraged by fiery darts, we have set our course for 2021, to not shrink back, to be dedicated to the furtherance of the gospel and the encouragement of the body of Christ. A compass point due north, keeping our eyes off of our circumstances and squarely on our master and king. If this sounds a bit like a war cry, that’s because it is. We have been called into battle my friends. Won’t you join us in prayer as Tim prepares for a trip to Mazatlan and Acapulco where he will engage in face to face missionary care there with SGWM Missionaries in both locations as well as serving at a church planting conference there. Praise the Lord Jenn is healing up nicely from her surgery and will be heading back to work. Please pray for her as she steps back into the role of ministering to women recovering from drug and alcohol addictions while pointing them to our Lord.

Preparation for return to work
Best ministry partner ever! 

None of us knows what 2021 holds but we certainly know the one who holds 2021.

If the Lord leads you to partner with us financially, or increase your already generous support you can do so by clicking below to become a financial partner or by mailing your support check to Saving Grace World Missions 17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203 Yorba Linda, CA 92886

*Note Pappas support in memo

All for His Glory, 

Tim and Jenn Pappas