The Lord Is Working – Pastor Prakash Update September 2023

Calvary Bible Institute Fall Semester 2023

Our new semester has begun. Praise God for having all amazing students. As usual God has brought students from the four directions of our country. We always have heartfelt gratitude toward our Heavenly Father to have more young people join our Calvary Bible Institute, teach them from the Word of God and equip them to advance the Kingdom. 

Our Bible Church in the Capital

And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.

Hebrews 12:24-25 NKJV

It is always a great joy and blessing to come together as the body of Christ and worship our Almighty God and to share our love with each other in His Body. 

Bible Church in the Capital Worship Service
Our Church Youth’s Inductive Bible Study Class
Our Church’s Weekly Youth Meeting
Our Church’s Weekly Women’s Fellowship

Calvary Chapel J* Worship Service (right)

Preaching the Gospel has always been with much difficulty, everywhere in the world. Our country is filled with many religions. Lately, some religious leaders are trying to evoke a religious war targeted against the Christianity. They say that their aim is to expel all of the Christians from our country. The eastern part of the country has been a main target. They have been trying to destroy the newly built Church there. 

The J* area is mostly filled with temples where brother Nikesh’s family is serving. The local people have reported against Gospel preaching at the police station. Preaching is restricted. In spite of the restrictions and persecution the work of the Lord has continued.

Calvary Chapel H*

The Lord is at work. The church is gradually growing. New families are coming. Brother Laxman’s family is serving at H* faithfully, even though they are going through some difficulties and financial hardships. 


Prakash & Muna