And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:24-25
Dear Friends and Family,
Recently we have been blessed with fellowship, much needed fellowship. As full time missionaries, sometimes it can get lonely. As you minister to others and others come to you for discipleship and counsel sometimes you long for someone that you can share with and be encouraged by.
In Northern Uganda we have friends that we rarely get to see but when we do, it is always encouraging and seems as if no time has passed. Our fellowship is sweet because we are in similar situations with our marriages (multicultural) and our ministries. We all have churches and minister to people who are have spiritual and physical needs. Also our children are similar in age so there is fellowship in the struggles parents face as our kids face different adolescent issues. Recently we were able to meet in Kampala and catch up on all that’s been going on in our lives, the children were able to play and we had time to pray together.

Another great time of fellowship we had was with a small team from the USA. I know Heather and pastor Bond from my home church and they have served often in Africa and Asia. Their team was serving in a couple different areas around Uganda but they also were able to come and serve alongside us one weekend. Our common love for missions and raising up others to serve the Lord brought about great times of fellowship and prayer. Brian was able to enjoy pastoral encouragement spending time talking and listening to 2 other pastors. Pastor Bond shared with Arise Christian fellowship on Sunday. His message was called, “Saved life, Wasted Life” based on the story of Lot. It was something the congregation needed to hear and I believe something I had been praying about personally. While it is amazing to be saved, may we never forget to share that salvation with those around us. They also asked me to share my testimony and calling to Africa with their team. It always amazes me how far God has brought me and how I can so clearly see His hand in every step that has brought me to where I am, even in the most difficult steps.

Fellowship doesn’t always have to take place in person. We have been encouraged by those who send us notes, emails or give us a call. It is always a blessing to hear that someone is praying for you and the people you minister to. Fellowship is a two way street so we are also encouraged when we hear about other peoples’ ministries and are given the opportunity to pray for them. Recently one of the supporters for Arise Christian Fellowship reached out to us to ask the church to pray for their son who was ill. We shared with the church and everyone from the Sunday service to the Sunday school made it a mission to pray for them. Liana is still praying for him every night. We were able to send some of their prayers and words of encouragement back to the family. We pray their son is recovered and they have been blessed.

Having true fellowship with other believers is an amazing experience every Christian should be experiencing. As a missionary the hardest part of fellowship is saying goodbye when it is time to leave or to be left. It is always bittersweet. You mourn for the loss of specific fellowship but as you leave or send people off there is the excitement of, “what next Lord?” For the last year we have had the sweetest fellowship with Sasha and Sveta. They came from Russia to do pastoral training in South Sudan. Their time here was very fruitful and they blessed us personally with friendship. They became a part of the Arise Christian Fellowship Family as well as Calvary Chapel Cush in South Sudan. They touched so many lives with the love of Christ while they were here. This past month we had to say goodbye to them as they move on to the next mission God has for them. We know that wherever they end up will be blessed by having them.

We are thankful for the fellowship we have with all of you who are both far and near. We are thankful those of you who reach out to us through various means and pray for us. We are thankful for those who reach out to us to share what is happening in their lives and ministries and who ask us to pray for them.
In Him,
Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana
- We are so thankful for the many ways the Lord has blessed us and for everyone who supports us and the ministry in Uganda.
- Please pray for all the missionaries serving in Uganda. Pray that they have times of fellowship with one another and with those from their home churches.
- Pray for the teams that recently came through. Pray their time will continue to bear fruit even after they have gone.
- Pray for the upcoming teams that will be serving in South Sudan and in Uganda. Pray all the details will come together and they will be directed by the Lord
- Pray for Sasha, Sveta, and Taya as they prepare for the next mission God is calling them to.
- Pray for the Kanyike children to get called for their citizenship interview.
- Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
- Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.