I am so grateful that the gospel of Jesus Christ is not on lockdown. In a crazy world and crazy times we have a future and a hope. The future and that hope is based in the salvation of our souls and the reconciliation to God through the cross of Jesus Christ. Faith in his shed blood for the forgiveness of our sins is the only hope for mankind. Therefore the gospel must go forth. The gospel is not on lockdown. God won’t be masked, God won’t be muzzled, God won’t be toppled like some statue.
He wants to use us to do this. He wants to do it in His timing in His way. That is exactly why I am setting out to direct CSOM 2020. Calvary School of Missions year two.

I will admit last year, 2019, when we launched the pilot program CSOM there were many including myself at times who thought it was a crazy idea that could not be done. I will also admit I was wrong and they were wrong. The Lord had placed CSOM on the hearts of leadership here at Calvary Chapel Saving Grace and the Lord is never wrong. Last year he worked in amazing ways in all of our lives; the young students as well as leaders and teachers. On top of the “in the moment experience,” there has been much long-lasting fruit from last year’s school.
We currently have five young interns from CSOM 2019 who have been trained up in the school as well as a year-long intern program I was able to lead bringing them to the place they are today, poised and ready to go to the nations. They have locations they are going and are in the final stages of preparing to go to bring the nations the gospel of Jesus Christ. They will be working in the 10/40 window amongst the most unreached of the world and we were blown away to have had a front-row seat to see what the Lord is doing in and through them in the CSOM.
Even though it looks way crazier than last year, Jenn and I are expecting CSOM 2020 to be equally incredible and fruitful. One of the main differences in our lives is that we are married and although last year she was of great support, this year she is all in. I’m so grateful she will be able to be on the trip this year and I’m so grateful for the many ways she partners with me in ministry. I will be gone for six weeks of which Jenn only gets to be with me for 10 days due to our need for her to still work. Jenn has partnered with me in so many ways preparing for this school, please pray for us as we will be apart for an extended period for the first time. She is a fantastic partner on the field and even though being apart from each other will be difficult we are totally convinced that pouring into future missionaries to send around the world is worth the hardship.
We appreciate your prayers and are so grateful for you who have already joined us in this area. If the Lord leads you to partner with us financially or increase your already generous support, you can do so by clicking here to become a financial partner or by mailing your support check to
Saving Grace World Missions
17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203
Yorba Linda, CA 62886
*Note Pappas support in memo
All for His Glory,
Tim and Jenn Pappas