Greetings to you from my church family! |
Thanks for your help, prayers and support. I would like to share with you about our outreach programs, baptism service, Christmas programs, and Jesus movie programs. First, I would like to thank God that everything went smoothly and great because of your prayers. We had a baptism service on the morning of December 21st. Six people were baptized. They were three teenagers and three women who are regularly attending our Bible study.
Three unreached villages allowed us to show the Jesus movie. More than 2,000 people heard the Word of God. Five people accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior!
Thank you for your financial help that made it possible for us to do the Christmas programs. The children in my church family did a dance at the program. I shared the Word of God about Jesus’ birth and distributed gifts to the children in our church. We were expecting 200 in my home village to attend, but more than 350 people came and heard the Word of God and ate lunch. We cooked Christmas lunches 2 times- once at my home and once in a village 350 kilometers away. Thanks to the Lord, everything went smoothly and great.
I thank God for providing support for blankets and saris (women’s clothing) to give to widows. This made it possible for us to distribute them. The people who received them are really thankful to the Lord and all of you. Two people’s health conditions were very critical and I am thankful to God that He used me to help them and give them blankets and saris.
God bless you all!
Pastor 11*
*Names have been changed or omitted for security reasons.