Dear Partners, Pastors and Leaders,
Greetings to all of you from our church! I thank you all and God from the bottom of my heart that you always take care of the members of the body of Christ and that you are constantly engaged in prayer and meet our needs. In the last week of January, there was a great persecution on our church and our church’s believers, which I will describe below. By the grace of God and your prayers, everything is back to normal.
An uneducated family was kept under house arrest for 10 days to break their faith in Lord Jesus Christ. They were tortured physically and mentally to testify against us!
When we study the Acts of the Apostles, we learn that wherever the Gospel reaches people who believe in Jesus, there is also the work of Satan. Similarly, in the last week of January, persecution came upon us and our church. A political leader complained about us to the center. So a team was formed by the government to keep people from our church under house arrest for 10 days. They were tortured mentally and physically so that they would give false testimony against us. But none of them gave false testimony against us. Their faith was also not broken. They told the team of police investigators, “We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ by our own will. Whether we die or live, we will not leave Jesus Christ.”
The team also came to our house. During the time that they were there, I was away in another state at an SGWM conference. My father was at home. My father shared his testimony with the police investigators, but he did not allow the investigators to enter our home’s gate. The investigators left threatening that they would put people in jail.
The very next day, it was in the newspaper that we are associated with a group of terrorists. For this reason, a team was sent by the central government to investigate us. But I thank God and all of you for your prayers. The team, which was sent by the Central Government, did not return here again. Still, the believers of our church were put under a lot of pressure to give false testimony against us. But they did not. I thank God that on the first Sunday of March, they reached the Sunday service through the jungle, bowing down to the people of the village.
It was great to go to the high mountains and fellowship with the people there.
I thank God for giving me the opportunity to go to the North in February. I got to travel around in 2 states there and spend time with my colleagues and friends. I especially thank God that we went to many new places that it was almost impossible to go to because there was no road. We had to hike through the mountains. God gave me the courage and strength through which I could go to the villages and preach the Gospel to the people.
Many strict laws have been implemented in both of the states against spreading the Gospel. Because of this, many pastors are running restaurants, cafes and guest houses instead of preaching the Gospel. I really enjoyed visiting with the people there. It warmed my heart to see their hospitality.
God also gave me the opportunity to deliver the Word of God in Pastor 12*’s church. God gave me the opportunity to meet my old neighbors also, among whom we were once again able to share the Word of God. I thank God that He used me in the North as well. Always pray for the ministry in the North, that the name of God is spread faithfully. Please also pray for the pastor of the church I went to for about 18 years. There is a conversion (witnessing) court case against them. Pray that he is released from this court case.
In March God opened another new village to evangelize.
All things work together for good to those who love God!
In January, when the newspapers published my father’s testimony, many people read it. Many fanatics opposed us. But many others also heard it who were hungry and thirsty for God. Among them is one man who after searching, came to know that there is a church at our house. He came to our Sunday service and requested that we start a weekly fellowship in his village. So we started a fellowship there. He is like other believers here, who came to know Christ when they went to a big city. They go back and forth for work. Thank you for your prayers. Now, by the grace of God, house churches have been established in 10 villages. We go there every week for prayer, worship and Bible study.
A Special Point of Thanksgiving and Prayer Request!
I am very happy to tell you that God has given me a wife who will be helpful in furthering the kingdom of God with me. The area where I serve is a very unreached place. No pastor wants to come here. People make up lies and many different excuses to not serve the Lord here. But I thank God that He has given me a wife who will serve with me in my field. I have known my wife for 5 years. We have been dating for a year. He sister and brother-in-law are believers in who live in the same home with her and her mother. Her mother does not believe in God. Still God spoke to her mother’s heart, and her mother agreed for us to get married. She even assisted in our legal (court) marriage as a witness for her daughter. Our court marriage happened very smoothly. Her family members, especially one named P* helped a lot with it.
Please pray for our marriage reception which will be hosted by my wife’s family members in the North. All of my wife’s relatives will come. Pray that everything goes well.
Please pray for our planned marriage ceremony and marriage reception at my house. Pray that God fulfills our every need. About 200 people will come. Everyone in my house does ministry. But by faith, I have invited many friends, relatives and believers who have been praying for my marriage for almost 10 years. Please pray that everything goes well.
Prayer Requests:
- Please pray that my marriage goes well. May God fulfill our every need.
- Please pray that my close friends are able to come to my wedding.
- Please pray that the believers in our church will understand the Word of God more deeply.
- Please pray for my mother’s back pain to be cured.
- Pray. Next month, after marriage, I am going to another city close by to get audio Bibles. May God give me protection when I get them.
- Pray. Another believer wants to be baptized this month. May God protect us while we baptize.
- There are some Hindu fundamentalists in our village also who are always trying to torture us. May God give them peace in their hearts.
Thank you for your love, prayers and partnership for the Gospel.
God bless you all,
Pastor 11
*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.