Thank You for Your Prayers!

 Jai Masih Ki! (Praise the Lord!)

Thanks to the Lord that He has kept us together. Thank the Lord who blesses each and every one of us, and saves us from every danger! Thank you also to those who continually pray for us!

Please Pray:

  • First of all, pray for the villages in our area, where some people are against the people of God; pray for God to change their hearts.
  • Pray for the leaders here who are members of the anti-Christian party, who do not want the kingdom of God to come. Pray for those leaders, that God will change their hearts.
  • Pray for the believers of my church, that they will be strong in the Word.
  • Pray for my life, that God opens new doors for me so that I can share the Gospel of God to all of the people in my area.
  • The government has a record of our mobile phone number to keep an eye on us because of our Christianity. Pray that God will help us and will bring those who belong to the anti-Christian government group into faith.
  • Pray for the believers in my village who are students; pray that they can change their lives with the blessings of God.
  • Pray for my mom who had surgery. She is now taking liver medicine; pray for her to get well soon.
  • Pray for some of the believers in our church who want to publicly show their faith in Christ; pray that God will prepare them completely.
  • Pray for our region, that God will change the hearts of all the people here and walk in God’s path.
  • Pray for my brother who has exams in December; that his exams will go well with God’s blessings.

Thank you! In Him,
Pastor 3* and Family
* Names and faces have been changed omitted for security reasons.