Thank You!!!

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First and foremost, thank you all for the years of prayer and support! As we come into our 7th year serving in Acapulco, God has opened a big door for our family and ministry. We have partnered with Saving Grace World Missions, a ministry that helps and equips missionaries on and off the field.

For the last couple of years, we struggled to find a mission-minded organization to help our efforts in reaching southern Mexico. We appreciate the whole SGWM staff and are very grateful to be a part of the team.


For those who have supported us through PayPal or C.C. La Mirada. Please be informed that those accounts will be closing within the next month. All future partnerships will be through our new link posted on this newsletter and blog. Every donation remains tax-deductible through SGWM.

Our First Church Plant

Southern Mexico has a huge need for Bible-teaching churches. We feel the urgent call to be part of the solution. That is why our goal is to plant as many churches as possible throughout southern Mexico, mainly our state of Guerrero.

By the grace of God, we planted a new Calvary Chapel fellowship. The name of the city is called Chilpancingo and it’s the capital of our state, Guerrero. Our assistant pastor (Ricardo Solis) felt the call and the Lord confirmed. We went on a spy trip and within 2 hours the Lord provided a building and house for pastor Ricardo’s family. We were amazed by God’s provision. This past Sunday was their first service. This is only the beginning but we count on your prayers and support to make this possible. The Lord has provided some great families but we still need the resources to support the work.

Calvary Chapel Chilpancingo

Church Planting Conference

We thank God for the opportunity to learn more about planting churches by attending Calvary Chapel Rosarito’s Church Planting Conference. The conference was a great tool as we heard from church planting pastor’s. They gave us great words of encouragement and wisdom. We pray and hope to plant more Calvary Chapel churches in the near future.

Handling the Pandemic

Like most churches, we took a big hit. Acapulco suffered many serious cases of Covid-19 infections. Some of our congregants have been hospitalized due to health difficulties. The church had to close its doors for approximately 3 months. As of right now, they have allowed us to re-open with a maximum capacity of 40 people. The good news is that this season forced us to grow in creating quality videos for our sermons. We are able to have live online services for both Sunday and Wednesday studies and now verse by verse teachings are reaching many homes in Latin America. Jesus continues to honor His word regardless of the situation.