Hello Friends,
How ya doin? I hope you’re doing so well. I can’t believe we’ve already reached the halfway mark of Calvary School of Missions. You coming alongside me during this time of schooling and seeking God’s plan for my life has truly touched my heart. Knowing that I have people in my corner, praying for me, and encouraging me has really comforted me while here in Rosarito, Mexico. My prayer is that you’re blessed through my updates and that you feel like you’re here with me.
Joshua 1:6
On Thursday, we set up a simple Bible program for kids in a local church plant, a message, testimonies for adults, and COVID food supplies for the families. I was to be assisting Jordon (one of my fellow classmates) with a simple lesson for the kids. However, that swiftly changed when he was feeling under the weather, and I was asked to teach solo. I, of course, said yes (with all my bundles of nerves), jumped in the van, and began looking over Jordon’s notes. As I sat there listening to words of encouragement and asking God for help, I suddenly felt peaceful. Upon arrival, I asked Jessica (the lovely beauty featured in the photo above) to translate for me. I knew in my heart that God spoke to me the night before to ask her. She said, “Oh Yes! Of course!” As we walked in front of the group of kids, I opened my mouth and nothing.
I went completely blank. Everything I had just rehearsed was gone. I turned to her as she was expecting me to say something so she could translate it and all I could say was, “I have nothing. Oh my goodness. My mind just went blank.” Now mind you, Jessica and I have only talked maybe a handful of times. I really didn’t know what to expect from her. Her response was a smile of encouragement and these words, “Okay, do not worry. You can do this!” She then started talking to the kids in Spanish keeping them entertained and calm. At this moment I knew God used her to be my sweet saving grace. I started praying for God to give me the words to speak while Jessica gently encouraged me. Slowly, we moved forward going over Philippians 1:6, “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion.” I’m not entirely sure when, but I found my voice again and together we finished the lesson.

All in all, it was such a wonderful day. I felt so thankful, that God would, through Jessica, come alongside me to share the word with those kids. I feel inclined to say that that very same morning we had been learning about the importance of communication with our translators, how a good relationship with your translator will lead to more success in communicating with others. Can I get an Amen? Praise be to God for His boundless grace and guidance.
The week continued with many more lessons from both the classroom and the outreaches. God is teaching me to trust Him fully, to have grace with myself, that rest is important, and that He will always come alongside me with His sweet saving grace.
Praise Reports:
- Praise Gods for my sweet sister Jessica being there alongside to help me!!!!
- Thank you, Lord, for continued unity within our group
- For continued health and safety as we’ve gone out
- Glory to God for His continued faithfulness to provide for me!!
Prayer Requests:
- Continued prayer for unity in our group is so heavy on our hearts.
- Please continue to pray for health and safety as we go out.
- Pray that God blesses our times of rest and replenishes us.
- That I would be able to soak up all I am learning.
- Please pray for faith, always, that God knows my every need and He will provide.
Much thanks to you who’ve decided to come alongside me financially. Your partnership is a tremendous blessing to me. It’s because of you all I am able to be here and do all these wonderful things for God’s kingdom. I get closer and closer to paying off my tuition and that is sweet indeed. If you’d like to partner this way, here is my giving link:https://www.egsnetwork.com/gift2?giftid=83041BC3D9644E1 If you have any questions please feel reach out, I’d love to hear from you.
All the blessings,