Standing On God’s Promises

‘’ I (Jesus) will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’’

Matthew 16:18.

We have been experiencing the activities of forces of darkness to stop the growth of the church, but it is the promise of our Lord that they shall not prevail. Every Sunday, churches are attacked by the Hindu fanatics who are assisted by the local police and government officials. A few churches in our town have been closed down.

In such a situation, we planned a graduation service for our CBI graduating students on April 7th. We booked a venue owned by a mainline church, but they canceled the booking on Saturday the 6th at 9 pm. After having our booked avenue for our graduation program cancel, we immediately informed all the people who were invited about the cancellation of our program. On Sunday, April 7, we instead had a graduation ceremony with our local church members and students’ families at the same place were meet for Sunday worship after our church service.

The same day, Sunday, April 7th, the Hindu fanatical groups had planned to attack three more house churches. On the 6th, one police officer gave this information to the President of a district Christian group. Knowing this, one house church canceled their Sunday service. The Hindu fanatics went there to attack, but they found no one. They then went to the next church that was their target. There the worship service was going on. The fanatics started disrupting and shouting, but they could not enter the church because the police and other government officials had already come. But when the believers were sent home by the police, they were beaten up as they came out of the church. Vehicles, CCTV camera etc. were also damaged.

The news came to me through one of the local pastors that anytime the Hindu fanatics could reach to our church as well. Their third target was a church according to the police in our area. We finished our graduation program quickly, distributed snacks and dispersed. Instead of having lunch we had a graduation dinner secretly in one of our church member’s house.

The next day, two of our co-workers and I went to the head officer of the district along with district Christian leaders (from a united Christian group) to give a petition about the above matter. We also submitted the trust registration copy. By God’s grace, the collector permitted us and eighteen other house churches to continue our church services. He assured us that whoever is creating the problem will have action taken against them.

People are scared because of the persecution and church attendance in many churches has decreased. But praise the Lord! He added one more soul to our fellowship. This sister had been attending our fellowship. She has now decided to fully follow the Lord by being baptized (above). She is from a Hindu family. We praise God for He is on the throne. He is drawing people to himself and the devil can’t stop him.

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Thank you for your prayers and financial support! We pray for you and your family.

God bless,

Co-workers in Christ,

Pastor 15* Family

*Names and Faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.