(Editor’s Note: This is an update from our missionary Pastor Rob Douglass, who is doing amazing work in South Sudan)
Myself and a team of seven people will be leaving for South Sudan tonight. Over the next two weeks, we will be ministering to a group of people that have been devastated by war. The government is bankrupt and most of the police, military, medical officials and school teachers have left because of this crisis. Our national missionaries are determined to remain and bring hope to these hurting people. They are risking their safety to continually stay in this country and care for these people. Groups of desperate children daily knock on the gate of our missionary home asking for help. Each night, as our kids are praying and singing worship songs, the sound of their voices fill the community. Government officials have asked us to never stop singing as it’s the only thing that brings a sense of hope and peace to this broken land.
On this trip, we will be celebrating with our Bible College students that are graduating a two-year missionary training program. They are desiring to go into unreached areas, bringing the hope and love of Jesus for the first time. Please be praying for them as they graduate and begin their evangelizing and church planting ministry.
We wil also be providing an eye exam outreach to the community and the local government officials. The last time we did this, many of the people coming to get glasses were resistant to conversation or relationship. After they received their glasses, one man began to cry and laugh and said that he hadn’t seen the world that clearly since he was a little boy. He was hugging us and laughing and so thankful that we were there. Please pray this outreach will open the door for God’s love to be poured out into this hurting land.
Thank you also for praying for our team’s health and safety while traveling into these dangerous and unpredictable areas. It is often difficult to find a working vehicle, so please specifically pray that our team will be able to get to all the places we need to go. The spiritual warfare our team has been experiencing prior to this trip has been particularly intense. Thank you for standing in prayer with us as we seek to bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth.