South for the winter

South, South, South…..

Some birds fly south for the winter, some retired folk go south for the winter and that’s exactly what I found myself doing. Granted I’m not retired nor am I vacationing or engaged in any other activities the birds might be engaged in down South, but I found myself continuing to follow the call of the Lord upon my life in the South during the season. It started with a couple of trips to Oaxaca where I was able to join SGWM missionaries who are dear friends of mine as they sought for a place to plant a brand-new church in southern Mexico 

A few months after that I was able to take a three-week trip to South America where myself and three other pastors from Calvary Chapel Saving Grace were able to visit six missionary families in Peru and Brazil. My heart and the calling I believe the Lord has upon my life has been focused on missionary care and while we were in Peru we were able to spend deep, meaningful time in fellowship, worship, and prayer with some frontline servants of the Lord. I was highly encouraged as they shared how much our visits meant and it was a real confirmation that I am walking in the Lord’s will for my life.  

One missionary who ministers deep in the Amazon jungle shared with us that nobody has come to see the work in eight years. They welcomed us into their home and I felt like family. As well as spending time in their home, we went with them eight hours by speedboat deep into the Amazon jungle to see and be a part of the work they’re doing bringing the Gospel and the love of Christ to a native tribe there.  

Since then there have been a few trips to Baja Mexico in preparation for a six week school of missions class that I get to be a part of leading. More about that in my next update letter.

Words cannot express how much I appreciate all of your prayers, encouragement, and financial support. It’s been a challenging season but if I keep my focus on the Lord, His word and those He has brought into my life I continue to find exactly what I need to stay the course. 


  1. Please pray for my two major trips coming up starting June 22nd I will be in Peru for two weeks and immediately afterwards in Mexico for six weeks
  2. Please pray for my fiancé Jenn as she will be joining the team in Peru for her first overseas missions trip
  3.  Please pray for the six-week School of missions in Mexico all of July and half of August. 

Again I think you so much for your partnership in the Gospel and Service to missionaries around the world.

~ Tim.