For the last 17 years, I have been able to serve the Lord on the front lines of the battle by doing ministry at Christ-Centered Residential Chemical Dependency treatment. I have had a front row seat to see the power of God in the transformation of men’s lives as we worked through the trauma, grief, abuse, neglect, and various other issues that arise from lives lived in rebellion to God. I have had the privilege of seeing men turn their lives back to the Lord, or come to Him for the first time, and get set free from the grip of the enemy and the bondage of sin.
Several Years ago the Lord began to provoke my heart with the great need of the nations for the gospel. Not fully knowing what to do with this, I began the journey on a path of short-term mission trips where it became clear to me that the Lord was calling me to full-time engagement in His great commission both in oversea’s ministry as well as here in the states. I have been able to travel to India 3 times, Haiti 3 times, Nepal, Belize, and Mexico over 30 times. During these trips, I’ve been able to teach the word of God in School of Ministry settings, do local outreaches, engage in feeding programs, medical clinics, orphanage work, etc., all while sharing the love of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others.
Here In the states, I’ve been able to be involved in outreach to the Muslim community through door to door witnessing in refugee communities, street witnessing outside of Mosques and leading a team of 10 to Phoenix, Arizona for a week-long trip to their Arabic festival. For over five years now I have also had the privilege of pastoring two church plants in Alzheimer units in Yorba Linda, CA. I have also been able to engage in inner-city outreaches in Watts, CA, street witness and evangelize at malls, beaches, and parks. Earlier this year, I led a team to Texas for disaster relief of Hurricane Harvey and also had the privilege of leading a team of 14 young adults (some not so young) to Rosarito, Mexico.

Leading a group of young adults on a short-term trip to Mexico
All this is not to give me glory or credit, but to give glory to our Great God and King who wishes that none should perish. The God who desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth has allowed me to take part in the furtherance of the Gospel… WOW.
A few months ago I stepped out of my 17-year career and moved forward in what I believe was a call from the Lord that took place several years ago. This call was to be directly involved in overseas missions. At first, I was sure that I was headed overseas to plant a church. But, in what I believe to be the sovereign hand of God, the door opened for me to serve full-time at Saving Grace World Missions. I am now involved in cross-cultural missions and directly involved in the lives of missionaries as the Assistant Director.

Missionary Training Meeting
Daily I work towards serving and equipping missionaries to share the Gospel around the world. I will also continue to lead short-term mission teams both stateside and abroad. This kind of schedule and ministry enables me to stay in the states to care for my elderly mom with Alzheimer’s and at the same time, move forward in the call God has on my life in this new season. All of this is a step of faith for me and I am now actively in the process of raising support. This is also something new to me and I would ask that each of you would pray for me as I seek to raise enough funds to provide for my daily necessities, local outreaches, and short-term missions trips. I truly appreciate your prayers as I continue to seek the Lord and His will for my life.
There are two ways you could partner with me in this ministry:
First and foremost, I would greatly appreciate your prayers. Secondly, you can become a financial partner with me in the Gospel through clicking on the become a financial partner button below or sending a check to:
Saving Grace World Missions
17451 Bastanchury Rd. Ste 203
Note Pappas support in memo
I look forward to sharing all that the Lord is doing in Saving Grace World Missions as well as in my life.
All for His Glory,
Tim Pappas