“If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. 20 Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also. 21 But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me.”
(John 15:19 NKJV)

Calvary Chapel J* (above)
Preaching the Gospel has been becoming increasingly harder all around the world. This is true in our country as well. The news came that some Christians were put in jail and treated disrespectfully in the state where our brother Nikesh’s family is serving. After hearing this, I made my way to meet with pastor Nikesh’s family to be with them, encourage them, spend time in prayer with them and have a time of sweet fellowship with them. We had a great time there.

Calvary Chapel H*
On our way back to the capital, we visited pastor Laxman’s family and the church members there (above). We spent time in prayer with them. We always love to visit with them and pray together.

Youth Inductive Bible Study
We had a great time with the youth at our church in the capital (above). We taught them the Inductive Bible Study Method to help them better understand the Word of God.

Church House Fellowship
One of our Calvary Bible Institute students, Bikal, shared from the Word in a house fellowship (above). It is always a pleasure to see our dear ones growing in and falling in love with God’s Word and maturing in the Lord.
God Is at Work through Short-Term Missions!
Short-Term Mission Team
Last month, we had a short-term mission team visit. We had great quality time with them. We would like to thank those who sent the short-term mission team to our country to expand God’s work here. Sometimes God can use a short-term mission trip for people to receive His vision. At the same time, God might draw people towards Him through the trip as well. During the short-term mission, we come out of our comfort zone and experience the need of Gospel while we serve God. Short-term missions are important and worthwhile.

Saturday Worship Service at Calvary Chapel H*
Pastor Jeff shared from the Word (above). It was a wonderful and blessed time.

Children Ministry at Calvary Chapel H*
We invited only children. But the children’s mothers also came and attended the whole program. It was a great opportunity for us to share the Good News with them.
We are thankful to sister Leah for her heart and courage for the children! We are so encouraged having seen her enthusiasm for God’s work. We have seen her vigor and are encouraged to serve alongside her.

Marriage Conference at H* (above)

Marriage Conference at Our Church in the Capital
We had a blessed and wonderful time at the marriage conference (above). We would like to thank the short-term team for great and relevant teaching.

Outreach Ministry at Lepers Colony (above)
We had a great time of outreach and worship with our dear ones at the Lepers Colony. We are thankful to sister Ali for sharing her testimony at the outreach. It really touched hearts.

Ministry in the Slum
It was not an easy thing to enter as a new person into the slum area. However, after a while the slum area became a place filled with an aroma when the team saw God’s presence and the need for ministry there.

Church Youth Ministry
It was good to have brother Derek to share from the Word and encourage the youth in our country (above).
Prakash & Muna