God spoke this word in my heart. The Holy Spirit says “Don’t be afraid for I am with you. I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Our group is small in number, but we are not losing our hope in Christ. We are trusting in Jesus during all of our difficult circumstances so that we can rejoice in the Lord.
I thank God for His wonderful work in my life. I am blessed by His grace and abundant blessings in my life and ministry.

I have been working in the Eastern part of the country and holding Calvary Chapel church services. I preach the Gospel among the unreached people here and in some areas near a bordering country. I spend a lot of my time preaching and sharing the Gospel. While sharing the Gospel, I personally meet and share the Gospel with people who have never heard the Gospel.

The newest update about my church is that two people accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Praise God for this wonderful work in the ministry! Pray that the man who accepted Jesus as His Savior can also come to church and grow spiritually as I lead and teach the Word of God.

We are also doing some children’s ministry and in-home Bible study.
Thanks be to our God! I would also like to thank you all, the entire team of Saving Grace World Missions, and all those who are supporting the ministry. Thank you for coming alongside me and my family and raising us up in Christ both physically and spiritually.
Pastor Majhiya