Greetings to the body of Christ in the name of our Lord!
Glory to God, the Father, through Christ, who has chosen us to be partakers in the expansion of His Gospel near and far! Grace and peace to each and every heart who reads and gives Glory to God in the Highest by reading this newsletter.
Christmas was never meant for the festivities, lights, trees, Santa Claus, etc. We could go on and on. As the body of Christ, we are to be very cautious that the message and focus should never be diverted from Christ. Keeping that in mind, we prayed and sought the Lord’s wisdom to direct our ways in celebrating the season of advent this year.
“The former account I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach,”
Acts 1:1
We, as disciples, ought to follow the Lord’s example of first doing, and then teaching. Wherever God led us during the Christmas season, we not only shared the love of Christ by distributing material needs, but also preached the God’s truth for their souls.
Outreaches and Evangelism
N* Outreach:
Ever since brother P* began laboring in this community, God led him to have a Christmas outreach arranged. We prepared food for the community, preached the Christmas message, and distributed blankets because winter has begun here. Children, women, and the elders of the community were so encouraged that the new work, which had been initiated had taken momentum to bring the kingdom of God from above.
K* Christmas Outreach
Since all of the K* community members are migrant workers from neighboring states, it is their custom to celebrate Christmas in a grand way in their villages back home. God opened a door to stage a big celebration which included blanket distribution and a community dinner. The Christmas message was preached that indeed Christ is the reason for Christmas and the priceless gift from God the Father to every soul.
Gospel Trip
It has always been our burden to visit our friends and family in both of the states that speak our language after Covid. God, in His providence, encouraged us and provided all of our needs for traveling about 2,000 km to sharing the love and message of Christ. During this trip, we were able to meet many new families, including unbelievers and Catholics. We went to many different areas. At our final destination, we had planned our Christmas outreach among tribals. They have always been in opposition to the truth and hostile towards Christianity. But we are so thankful to God that we found favor with the villagers. We preached the Word of Christ and distributed sarees to the women in the community. Never, ever before have the villagers come forward to be prayed for in all these years–but for the first time ever, they came forward to be prayed over with their families. God filled our hearts with peace and joy. We are hopeful that we will see them again, and that a new work will begin in and around the region.
One of the many things we learned by traveling through all of the cities, villages and different areas is that there is lack of workers and also a lack of biblical churches. Our hearts are filled with grief that our people are perishing without the knowledge of God.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”
Hosea 4:6a
Verily, verily, more than the need for sound churches, we are in need of sound preachers and teachers to fill people with the knowledge of God.
Christmas Eve Service at Our Church in the City
During our Christmas caroling, the final part of our Christmas outreaches, we had the opportunity to spend Christmas with people in our church’s families and their extended relatives. It all went so grandly that God’s name was magnified in all the activities that we as a church had done in the communities. Then we ended our Christmas season by worshiping the Lord in the Christmas Eve service. The church was packed, and new people came to the church to celebrate the birth of Christ. We thank God for the prayers answered, doors opened, and Gospel preached to the heathen.
As a church, we prayed, put faith in the Lord for the upcoming year and for what our Lord has in store. We all gathered for the New Years service with a renewed faith and hope that He will build His Church and the Gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.
Our classes for the next semester will be starting the 2nd week of February. We have already exceeded the limit for the number of students. Thankfully, God is sending laborers for His field, and we are prayerfully waiting for them to study the Word of God with more awe and reverence this new year.
It is a joy to share with you that brother P* has been ordained as a teaching pastor at the new church new plant in Y*, and brother A* has been ordained as a youth pastor in C*. We are grateful to God that He has been gracious enough to lead our brothers’ lives and we are eagerly awaiting to see what the Lord is going to accomplish through their lives.
New Church Plant Opening Service
We are really thankful to God that He placed a burden in our hearts towards the new area to reach out to the lost and needy. Brother P* has been ministering in the area for 2 years. Now, God has opened the door to have Sunday worship services. He has blessed us with a hall, free of cost to use for gatherings! So, we cleaned the hall and made arrangements to begin Sunday worship service. Last week, we had the opening dedication service in the hall. It really blessed us so much to see people coming from different areas. Every Sunday we have worship service there and every Wednesday we have Bible study.
There are still have some needs in the church hall (above). Please pray that God will provide our needs and bless the church.
Calvary Bible Institute Update
“Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers.”
Ephesians 1:15-16
The church in Ephesus is an exceedingly vibrant church that not only accepted the Gospel but was also bold to share their faith with the Gentiles around them. Similarly, we at Calvary Chapel hear of your faith and love for all the saints. We never cease to give thanks to God for your never-ending generosity for the propagation of knowledge about Christ, our Lord.
Commencement of a New Semester
“Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
Isaiah 43:19
God promised that He will do a new thing among His people. We are all His handiwork, and He is always ready to do new things through those who love and obey His commandments. We believe that the very reason He chose all of us is to do new things. Therefore, His name will be glorified and the Gentiles may be drawn to the light. It is with that living hope we began a new semester this February, and we cannot wait to see what God has in store for us in the coming season! We have two new students, and God has laid it on our hearts to pour out ourselves in service to our brethren.
CBI Ministries
Chapel Talk
One of the ways to enhance the preaching and teaching skills of our students is to highly encourage them to teach, so that they can grow in the art of teaching. In this chapel talk teaching session, we assess their gifts and give suggestions for better ways for them to make the text understandable to the audience. It has been a great blessing to see our brothers grow and help them to be ready in season and out of season.
Local Outreach Tuesdays
We have prayed over and came forward with a new initiative this semester: to send out our students every week to local outreaches in nearby areas. Along with continuous teaching throughout the week, our brothers are burdened to share the Light among the darkness. Our brothers have already reached out and we received good tidings from this labor. May Our Lord open more doors and hearts to disciple one soul at a time
Park Ministry and Street Gospel
In a city like ours, the mission field is everywhere the eye can see. As, Zinzerdorf once said, every heart with Christ is a missionary and every heart without Christ is our mission field. Our mission field is huge and vast. Our brothers and us are being prepared for the upcoming season of reaching out to those in the parks and streets with the Gospel. Usually, parks and streets are places where young adults and teens come to hang out. Where sin is increased, grace is increased all the more. May the Lord, give us grace to be the carriers of His love and mercy.
Semester Missions Outreach
Our tents are going to be enlarged. God, Himself is going to enlarge the territories of Kingdom of God in our nation. God, miraculously opened a door to minister in the central part of the country. The seed was sown. Now, it has started to work. We were invited again to serve in one of the cities. We are so filled with hope that He has chosen this city for a great harvest in the coming days.
Below are the few ministries that all of us are planning to be involved in.
- Pastors Conference (Preparing them through the right Word of God)
- Youth Meetings
- Village Evangelism Outreach (Preaching gospel to the unreached.)
- 2 Day Long Pastor Meeting
- Worship Teachings
- Evangelism In the Workplace
- Prayer Walks
- Village Outreaches
Prayer Requests
- Pray for our church’s to be transformed into more of His image and to do His purpose.
- Pray for unity and love in our church
- Pray for our new church plant in K*
- God has blessed us with a hall for the church plant. Please pray for God to provide all of our needs there.
- Pray for upcoming outreach in the central part of country
- Pray for the Calvary Bible Institute students
Thank you,
Pastor 6* and Family
*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.