Week 1 SOM 2020
Hi friends,
My heart is so full to be here in Mexico as a student in Calvary School of Missions. I’m so thankful for all you who have encouraged me and nudged me forward in being a light in the world. Your constant support and prayers for me is something I will forever be thankful for. Also, thank you for continuing to follow along with my journey in missions to share a beautiful living hope with the lost.
The first week of school has been packed full! The amount of wisdom and information I have taken in is honestly amazing! Slightly overwhelming, in the best way. Each day starts with personal devotions, then class in the mornings, and outreaches or reading in the afternoons, and ends with prayer and worship on most evenings. In coming to this school we’ve been encouraged to lay down all our plans, hopes, and dreams at the feet of God, to fully surrender to what He has for us. Being here has just been a constant reminder that forever learning and growing and being stretched is such a good thing.
So the first outreach we went on was super encouraging to me. In all honesty, it didn’t start very easily for me, but it’s amazing how a simple gesture can change fear into living the gospel. We went to meet with a local pastor in Tijuana who had been ministering to this community whose houses had recently been engulfed in flames. At first, I felt really invasive and wasn’t sure how to act, however, the people were so inviting and kind, considering everything they had gone through. We brought them food and prayed for them while they shared their hearts and stories with us.
I admit, I still felt awkward, but I was really trying not to show it and just embrace the moment. We prayed with this family, where 18 people were staying together in this little tent shelter and a little girl sat in the shade. As I always do with kids I smiled and sent her a little wave and before I knew it she, her brother and I were playing peekaboo and laughing so genuinely. That’s where it struck me that we were there to extend loving-kindness, to share hope, and to live the gospel, nothing more, nothing less. How simple?! Why was I so fearful? I love extending a hand to those who need a hand, love to those who need love, hope to those who need hope. How incredibly blessed am I that the good Lord brought me here so that He might be those things through me.

A big lesson I learned this week, has been to empty myself so that I might be a vessel that God can fill and share any way He should choose. On the rest of our outreaches, I was trying to do just that. Whether it be doing impromptu worship dances, street witnessing, serving food to people, praying for my brothers and sisters, sharing the gospel, or even holding a welcome sign for people joining us for Sunday service, I will do it to the best of my ability for the glory of God. I’ll admit, I’ve been so stretched, but I’m thankful, wow, so thankful for this time to grow and learn from our amazing teachers and missionaries who are here with us. They have been so encouraging and incredible in laying out the simple gospel.
One great take away I’ve had is that we all can extend a helping hand to others. We’re all able, we all have it in us to step out of our daily comfort zones and share the gospel, and to share the love of Christ. This world is so broken, everyone is hurting in some way or another, we just have to be a light.
“Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few.”
Matthew 9:37
Prayer Requests:
- That the Lord would give me boldness to share
- Wisdom on how to share
- Continued unity with my wonderful classmates
- Faith that the Lord will provide my needs
I’d love to hear from you if you have prayer requests, want to share what God’s been doing in your heart! If you want to hear more about what I have been learning or if you have any questions at all, please shoot me an email, I check it daily.
All the blessings,