Praise Report!
- We established a new church.
- We started church services at a new place.
- We started having a children’s church service.
- 70 people attend our Christmas Program.
- God brought youth into our church.
- We had a blessed Christmas at the Leper Colony.
“And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
(Matthew 16:18)

Praise God! He provided us with a church building to do His ministry. For many years we have been praying for our church. While we were having church services at my home, we had many obstacles. My own elder brother, who always drinks alcohol, spoke rubbish words that hampered the growth of our church. As you all know, my family does not belong to a Christian background. Only me, my beautiful wife, and my mom are Christians. Sometimes, my mom also has some problems. She says “I am a Christian.” but does not always behave like a Christian. Because of these obstacles, we lost a lot of people from our church. Because of a minor mistake of my mom, people quit coming to our church. I still ask them to come back to church, but they do not come.
Please pray that my mom’s life will be change and she will become devoted to Christ. Pray that she will be witness of Christ to be bring more people into our church.
For 5 years we prayed, and God heard our prayers. Now God has provided us with a beautiful church building to rent. We are now having church services there. God did a wonderful work! In the area we live, most of the people follow Hinduism. They will not let Christian people rent a home. When they do, they tell the Christians they have to eat meat outside of the house and can only come into the house (not eat in it). God provided us a church building to rent in this area!
The people in this area also hesitated to come when we invited them to come to our Christmas program.
Prayer Requests:
- Please pray that God will bring more people to our church as we share the Gospel daily.
- Please pray God will bring children to our church .
- Pray that God will bring more young adults to our church.
- Pray that God will bring women to our church.
- Pray that God will bring all types of people to our church so we can serve them.
By the Grace of God, we made a beautiful church. We have offering at our church. Every Saturday we collect a little money. That money we use for our church.

Amazing things happened! We prayed to have a place for a church, and we prayed for a pulpit. God gave us money to buy new carpet, a pulpit and Gypsum board (for the ceiling) from the offering that we collected at our worship service.

By the grace of God, He gave us the opportunity to do ministry among children. Eight children came to church (above). All of these children live around our church. Some children are interested and want to come to church but their family did not want them to come, so the children came secretly.

We had a blessed Christmas at our new church (above). 70 people attend our Christmas program. By God’s help, it is the first time we had a Christmas program like this. We sang a song and danced, some of our students also performed a song. Pastor Prakash prayed for the Christmas program. Pastor Anand shared from the Word of God. Another pastor, who is my friend, proclaimed and shared “What is the Gospel?” He challenged all of the people who heard the Gospel from their houses, windows, rooftops, etc. outside of our church to believe on Jesus and save their soul. He begged them to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savoir.

Pre-Christmas at Leper Colony
We had a blessed pre-Christmas celebration at the leper colony. Every Friday we gather at the Leper colony to do Bible Study. New people are also coming to our Bible Study. We celebrated Christmas together at the Leper colony among our fellow brothers and sisters. In our Bible study, we finished the book of 1st Samuel. Now we are studying 2nd Samuel chapter 5.
Thank you so much for supporting us, praying for us and raising us up! God bless every entire family at Saving Grace World Missions!
Grace and peace,
Your faithful servants,
Rabi and Mahima