Greetings to all of you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am very blessed by the Lord’s mercy! I am very excited to share the works of the Lord with you!

I thank the Lord that He is making the ministry that He has given me fruitful. I see those who have newly joined in the Lord growing in the Word of God. They have love for the Lord and stand firm in their faith in every situation.
Every Sunday we are reading through the Book of Romans. In chapter 14 verse 1, it is written, “Take into your company the one who is weak in the faith.”
Because the church here is becoming stronger day by day, there are many people in the church whom the Lord has prepared through me. They are also doing the ministry of the Gospel along with their other work. Because of this, new people are coming to the church and are getting connected.
We are thinking of renting a room for the new fellowship that we have started. This would help the believers in that place not to have difficulty coming to church or have to travel far to go to church. We have found a church hall nearby in which no fellowship is going on. This week we will talk to the owner about renting it.

For several years I have been going to different districts to do ministry. The Lord has used me in those places. This was able to happen because there are many ministers ready in the church here who handle their responsibilities very faithfully in my absence. Last month I was able to go to the mountains for ministry twice. My vision in 2024 is to go to all the 13 districts where the Gospel of the Lord has not reached.

Prayer Requests:
- We are having a Christmas program on December 17th in an area that is about 150km from the area I live.
- On December 18-20 we plan to do outreach ministry.
- We are planning to have a Christmas program with children in the slum.
- We are having a Christmas program with only those who come to faith from the mountain tribes and speak the mountain language on December 22. We are expecting more than 150 people.
- I am planning a Christmas program in the village where I live. We are expecting about 200 people. We are preparing a Christmas dance. All of those invited are non-Christian.
Please pray for God’s protection over us and all of the programs!
Thank you so much for your prayers!
Pastor 12*
*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.