A lot has happened this last month, and I’m grateful for all that the Lord has done! As many of you know the Lord provided for me to go to Peru! What an amazing time it was. I got to meet so many amazing people, and come to find out, see many I hadn’t in a while. During our time there we were involved with many different things. We were able to do outreach, be a part of chapels for the Bible College, meet and interact with the students, attend Calvary Trujillo, and do lots of construction. Overall the Lord provided for an amazing time and opportunity.
We arrived May 11 and got settled in. Each team member got to share a devotional (and depending on the day) teach a chapel for CBI Peru. Our work was clearly cut out for us and it was a joy to be a part of what the Lord has been doing in Trujillo, Peru. During classes, our team would work on meal prep or construction. We were able to help put in a new water tank to supply the campuses water needs. Our first night we got to have some Peruvian donuts called Picarones (they’re delicious—give them a try). One of my favorite things was getting to meet the students and serve alongside them. Our first day there, a good friend and I went with some locals from the church and passed out flyers to invite people to an outreach in the park we were having the next day—it was a blast! This was the school’s last week of classes and they made it their outreach week before graduation—it made for a busy week indeed.
We were able to do 4 different outreaches, all of which had a skit for the kiddos, games, some prizes and crafts, and a whole lot of Jesus and the Gospel. We got to partner with 3 different churches, and got to help bring the love of Jesus to some amazing kids in different communities. One of my favorite things to see was the skit that these CBI students put on—it was really well done and set up perfectly to share the Gospel and our need for Jesus. Only one thing can overcome darkness, and that’s Jesus. So many kids attended, and some with their families, and many gave their lives to Jesus. Please pray that they continue to attend church, get in the Word, and learn about their Savior who loves them and died for them!

Not only did we get to help put up the new water tank, but we also got to help get the framing started for a big outdoor pergola off of their main eating area. It was a lot of work, but it was a lot of fun, and I’m glad to have worked with the team, and with the staff and students as well. I know they have a team coming this summer that will help them with even more.

Bible College
One of the main things we got to help with was one of our pastors teaching a class to the CBI students on missions and church planting. This was a sweet time, getting to hear reminders of what I got to learn back in the School of Missions in 2020. What an exciting thing to get to hear about what the Lord is doing in the lives of these students and interns as they’re getting ready to go out and church plant themselves! It was such a blessing to be around a bunch of young people on fire for the Lord and ready to go wherever He calls them. Their graduation took place our last Thursday there, and it was a blessing to see the hard work and accomplishments of the students recognized in front of the church, students, and their family and friends. I didn’t know it until our trip got closer, but two people I knew from my time at CSOM were graduating that night, and it was such a cool thing to see. Please pray for all of the graduates as some are getting ready to go out and others are returning to intern.
Back in the Northbay
Now it’s back to Middle School and home life while prepping and praying for what’s next. Please pray for continued vision, and provision for what the Lord is doing and where He is wanting to take me. I know He has a good plan and purpose and I am excited to see what He has in store.
A quick update on my dad, while we were in Peru he actually needed to go back into the hospital due to an infection where they had initially done surgery, but praise the Lord they did not need to operate again and he is back home. Please pray for his continued recovery and that the Lord would provide strength, healing, and rest for him. 2023 has been a wild ride, but I’m thankful for all that the Lord has done and is doing.
Thank you for all of your prayer and support!
– Jordon