Our Hope in Jesus Is Certain

The Christian Burial of a Woman From Our Church

Greetings to you all! Merry Christmas! Praise be to God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ for sustaining us and providing all of our needs even in this time of the pandemic. Thank you for your prayers and financial support. We have been praying for you–that the Lord would supply all of your needs and keep you and your family safe.

This pandemic has affected every one in the world. Nothing seems to be certain. Praise God that our hope in Jesus is certain!  The day of his return is near. He came into this world two thousand years ago as a baby and we are preparing to celebrate his birth, but now He is coming to take us, His bride, home. Let us hold on to this sure promise of the Lord and be ready to meet Him.

Praise the Lord! We were able to have a Christian Funeral

Last month one woman from our church, who was around 60 years old, went to be with the Lord.  She had been ill, but not seriously ill. She was a first generation Christian. Her husband also comes to church and her younger son and his family are believers in Jesus, but her older son and his family are not. We thought that the village people would create a problem for her funeral ceremony, but they did not. Praise the Lord! These days are not easy for Christians in our country and especially for new believers.
We are still doing audio teachings for our students. We are not sure yet when government will allow schools and colleges to reopen.
Please pray for us and the ministry in our country.

Thank you so much for your partnership in the ministry of the Gospel.

Funeral Service

God bless you,

Pastor 15 and Family*

*Names have been changed or omitted for security reasons.