October flew by! What a whirlwind it’s been to move up to Truckee and settle into a new routine. God has been so faithful!
Our new home is perfect for our family and such a blessing. We’re nestled in the woods right across the street from Donner Lake in a quaint little one bedr-om cabin. I have a full kitchen now, which I love and a very large attic space for storage. God blessed us with a beautiful couch, a new vacuum, and a TV to help make our house “home.” We’ve already started hosting the young adults group on our home on Friday nights and that has been a huge blessing.
Our first Sunday at Calvary Chapel Truckee was a very special day and we were blessed by a warm welcome. The church has opened its arms wide to receive us and for that we’re grateful. We have two young adults and one youth kid who attend our church at this time so we’re in a stage of starting what we can and praying about what we can’t. Please pray along with us that the Lord attracts more young people to the church and that more people get saved and plugged in. I have the privilege of attending the mid-week women’s Bible Study and I’ve loved it so far. It is pure inductive Bible study and we’re learning about the coming of Jesus. On Reformation Sunday (aka Halloween) Isaac and I led worship along with some others; it was Isaac’s first time here in Truckee and my first time since Fletcher was born. It was so refreshing to be able to lead again and I know that the precious saint who had been leading every single week for months before we came was blessed to have a Sunday off. That night we went to one of the church family’s houses where they have a lot of foot traffic and we will (Lord willing) be hosting an outreach at that home next year.
In other news, Isaac has been loving his job at Consolidated Electrical Distributors (CED) and has all unsaved coworkers who he enjoys having Gospel conversations with. He has been able to see more of the area on his deliveries and greatly enjoys the drives.
I am all set up for all of my remote tasks and haven’t skipped too many beats as far as keeping up with my responsibilities with SGWM. I am grateful that God has given me the ability to take care of Fletcher, our home, and my work responsibilities in the midst of the transition.
So far we have had Isaac’s family visit us twice aside from when they all helped us move up here and this month I will be able to visit my family in Utah and bring my mom home with me for a visit. Then we will be in Yorba Linda for Thanksgiving and will have friends come up to visit directly after that. All of the love and support from our family and friends has helped make the transition much smoother and we’re so grateful!
Praise Reports
We bought a car that is more suitable for the snow!
Work is going well for both of us.
We have some young adults and youth with whom to build the ministries.
Our church family is wonderful.
Prayer Requests
That God would help us connect in new ways with our unsaved community for the purpose of sharing the truth of the Gospel and seeing lost souls won for Christ.
That God would build His church and the young adult and youth ministries in it.
That He’d give us vision and boldness for how to partner in His work.
That we’d make more friends in similar walks of life; young marrieds, young parents, etc.
Thank you for your prayers and support! It means so much to us.
Much love,
Hope, Isaac, and Fletcher