Opportunity Knocks… – Bear & Araceli May Update

“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”

James‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭5‬ ‭

Hello, Barek here! We are both so excited to welcome you to our conjoined newsletter. It is wild when we look back to over a year ago; we were communicating through email about CSOM, Araceli as an office admin and myself as a student, looking to set-up this very newsletter account! The same now as He did then, God has plans for us, and we can’t wait to share with you what has taken place the last few months. Thank you again for your prayers, support, and messages of encouragement!

One constant lesson among many that has been on my mind is how unworthy I am of all that God is doing in my life; what He has called me to, the woman that He has called me to love. The closer I draw to Him, the more grateful I am. Araceli and I are daily realizing more and more that He is sanctifying both of us through this relationship, through ministry, through study, through service, through failures and successes. But it is one of the greatest freedoms in Christ; knowing that we are inadequate for any good work in our own strength. This truth frees us up to get out of the way and watch Him use us, not in spite of, but rather through our weaknesses. Pray for us to remember this as we grow in Christ together!

Jane and Araceli praying

I, Araceli, had the opportunity a week ago to pray over Jane. I loved her customer service and I decided to let her know about it because I wanted to encourage her. I then asked her how I can pray for her. This led her to open up and tell me she’s been backsliding and she is having a difficult time because she’s moving out of her parents’ home. I was able to pray over her and invite her to young adults at my church. I am an awe of God because He knew that Jane needed this and I love being used by Him.

Mahasen and Aracelli at VOR

I was able to serve at a Voice of the Refugees event. The Lord reminded me of the heart He has given me for refugees. After Israel and having been there during the war, the Lord began to do a work in my heart towards Muslims. I was always shut down to the idea of ministering to Muslims or going to the Middle East, because if you have read my previous newsletters, you’d know I have had a desire to go to an unreached, tribal country where no one has ever heard the name of Jesus; but the Lord is working on my heart, and I am open to whatever He wants! Barek and I are praying about going to the Middle East in October, and Lord willing, He will make a way.

New Opportunity

I am excited that I will be taking over Saving Grace World Missions instagram! This was something the Lord gave me a desire for; He has been giving me ideas to expose what our church is doing in fulfilling the Great Commission. I can’t wait for what the Lord will bring from this!

Barek here again! Among a few incredible opportunities that the Lord has led us into, one was being able to teach at the Young Adults camping retreat in San Clemente. It was a great weekend of beautiful weather, great teaching through Ephesians, and nights of worship. I was asked to teach a morning devotion on Colossians 3:1-3, setting our minds where Christ is seated! I am excited for opportunities like these, as they come. It is so easy for me to get in my head worrying about if I know enough to teach, or if I am in the right place, etc.; the bottom line is, walk in the Lord’s will, be available, and He will put things in your path, good works that He wants you to do; they have nothing to do with me or you or how adequate we are, just with how faithful we are.

Barek teaching at the Connect YA retreat

Another cool answer to prayer that I’ve seen is how the Lord has been moving in our life group. This past week we had 19 people! Life groups have provided fellowship within the body in such an awesome way; it is held at my parents’ home. It’s been special to see how the Lord has given them both such hearts to host and welcome everyone who comes, to show them the love of Christ. I had the privileged opportunity to lead the small group discussions at these life groups for a couple of weeks. It was a special time of discussing the Word, as Pastor Trent teaches through 1 Samuel on Sundays; it is also a really cool opportunity to see how leading a small group Bible study may very well look someday on the mission field! I have no doubt that the Lord is preparing Araceli and I for this in more ways than we even notice. We are so grateful.

CCSG Brea life group!

Praise Reports

  • Araceli’s mom began reading the bible! This has been one of Araceli’s prayer request for months
  • For the opportunities we have had and the Lord opening doors
  • For life groups and the fellowship

Prayer Request

  • We are launching a business, stay tuned for the next newsletter where we will talk more about it
  • That we would grow in humility
  • For provision for going on a vision tour to the Middle East

Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter! We appreciate your support through prayers and ask that you continue to seek the Lord with us in regards to this calling on our lives. If you feel led to partner with us financially, with a one-time or a recurring gift, it would be such a great blessing. There is a giving link below! God bless you, and please reach out with any questions or encouragements.

Til’ Kingdom come,

Barek & Araceli