Jenn and I want to start out this month’s newsletter by saying that we are extremely grateful to still be here serving the Lord at Saving Grace World Missions. We posted last month in our newsletter that our support has gotten so low we had to stop payroll; we are still extremely short in our monthly income but by Gods grace and through much prayer of yours, ours, and many others God has made it evidently clear that we are to stay on the field, that we cannot leave our post. Missionaries must be cared for!! Serving as a stateside Missionary and being 100% dependent upon the Lord moving the hearts of financial partners has definitely been a challenge, but only for us, not for Him. Thank you so much to those of you who have heard the Lord’s voice and decided to partner with us to enable us to continue serving missionaries all around the world. We are still at quite a deficit to meet our monthly needs, however, I’m confident the Lord will provide.
I mentioned last month that we would tell more about the Calvary School of Missions (CSOM) and the absolutely incredible opportunity to serve that has unfolded in front of us. For the second year in a row, I (Tim) have had the opportunity to coordinate and oversee the Calvary School of Missions. This has led to a re-definition of my job description and an even deeper level of missionary care. I am officially now the Director of Missionary Equipping for Saving Grace World Missions. Part of my heart was torn because I truly still stand on the fact that Missionary care is the calling that God has upon my life, through prayer and seeking the Lord in His Word, I’ve been assured that I will still be caring for missionaries on the field as well as caring for those on their way to the field. This has taken missionary care in a direction I never even thought of but it’s just like our God to do exceedingly abundantly above what we can ask or think. Way too much is happening to write about in an update letter so I would invite you to contact me so we can sit down for a cup of coffee or have a conversation over the phone. I can’t wait to share more of all the Lord is doing.

CSOM Ministering at Indian Reservation

Students in Roof Top prayer seeking God
One of the Youngest
She is a 16-year-old who joined us for CSOM 2020. Each one of the students is incredibly special in their own way but I want to highlight a few of them as I catch you all up on what has happened over the summer. This young lady came to us on her own accord with her own money saying “the Lord has called me to missions.” Before you get overly concerned she has two loving parents whom I’ve spoken to and prayed with on several occasions, they are 100% behind her and us and are confirming the clear call upon her life. So she arrives from another country to California and journeys with us to Mexico for a six week school where the fire in her eyes and conviction in her heart just grew stronger. This young lady will be completing high school at the end of this year, her parents along with her and the pastors here at Saving Grace World Missions will be seeking the Lord on how to best equip her for the work she is called to.
One of the First
Let me tell you of one of the first, he is a young man who went to CSOM 2019. It has been my joy to be a part of his discipleship and training here in the intern program. I love being able to have a front row seat to see what the Lord is doing in this sharp young man’s life. He definitely has a clear call of pastoring and in a couple months will be going to a Middle Eastern country where he can learn language and culture in steps towards reaching the 10/40 window with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
These are two extremely short stories of students who have come to the Calvary School of Missions and there are many more like them. Young men and women who understand the importance of the furtherance of the gospel to a lost and dying world. Men and women who are willing to be trained up, equipped, and sent. Thank you for partnering with us and helping us to stay engaged in the great commission. Together we are doing the work. John Piper once wrote “Go, Send, or Disobey.” I love that statement because the reality is that those are our three choices. Not all of us can get on an airplane and head to faraway lands but we can all be a part of equipping and sending those who can. Thank you for partnering with us, without your support we cannot continue in this ministry. We realize we need to depend upon God, but we have yet to see him drop a bag of money out of the sky. He always uses others to financially assist. If the Lord leads you to partner with us financially or increase your already generous support you can do so by clicking here to become a financial partner or mailing your support check to
Saving Grace World Missions
17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203 Yorba Linda, CA 62886
*Note Pappas support in memo
All for His Glory,
Tim and Jenn Pappas