New Season – Schipke Update June 2023

Capturing God’s beauty on one of my morning walks along a boardwalk in Mazatlan!
I’ve titled it: “Hole of Hope”

As temperatures start to cool and fall arrives in Mazatlan, we start welcoming back friends from areas in the US and Canada that are escaping their icy cold winters. It is also time to prepare and re-start many of our mid-week ministries for our English speaking community at Calvary Maranatha. 

But, this year, while friends started arriving, I was preparing for something new.

In December, following the Lord’s recent promptings, I made new plans to return to California. Over the past years, my visits back to the US were typically just a few weeks at a time to see family and renew my visa. But, this time the plan was to stay longer. My hope was that this longer home stay would provide added time to reconnect with family and friends, a chance to visit a variety of local churches and support teams as well as being available to help my mom as her rehabilitation continued from a bad fall she had in August.

Saying goodbye was difficult! 

These past years serving alongside Pastor Tony and Angela Carranza have been filled with lots of amazing and fulfilling experiences. I’m grateful to have been a part of the variety of ministry provided at Calvary Maranatha…conferences, missions teams, outreaches, bible studies, vacation bible schools, plus all our weekly church events.

What an amazing time these past 5 years have been! I am so thankful for all that I have learned and especially for each person on the Maranatha ministry team.  I will always be honored and grateful to be part of the team that makes the name of Jesus famous in Mazatlan! 

My final Sunday before traveling back to California Pastor Tony presented me with a plaque of appreciation while the Pastors and church body prayed for me, sending me out with their blessing and the Lord’s protection.

New things in the New Year

During my stay in California, I’ve had the opportunity to spend time over at the Saving Grace World Missions headquarters in Yorba Linda. The Pastors and staff have been so helpful providing wise counsel, prayer and encouragement as I navigate this time of change. 

I’ve had the opportunity to attend various bible and missionary intern classes provided at the headquarters. What an encouragement it has been to be around so many young people excited to pursue their purpose of serving the Lord in this world.

These classes have provided me with a rich time of learning that has challenged and replenished me as I have been adjusting life back in the states. In addition to classes, I’ve been blessed  to come alongside and mentor a few young gals during their final months of preparation before leaving for their field assignments. 

Meet my friend Macey! 

Macey has graduated from the Calvary School of Missions hosted by SGWM in Rosarito Mexico, and has been serving in the mission’s internship program at SGWM’s headquarters. I’ve enjoyed getting to know her and have had fun sharing experiences from my years serving in Mexico. I’ve been encouraged by Macey’s commitment and pursuit after all the Lord has for her as she prepares for her field assignment.

Reconnecting with good friends!

I’ve appreciated the unrushed time I’ve had to visit with old friends, meet new ones and connect with ministry partners in Orange County. It has been great to be back at my church home in Irvine, Voyagers Bible Church. The VBC church family who prayed for me when I was entering the mission field 8 years ago, have welcomed me back with open arms. In addition to Sunday services, I’ve been able to join into the women’s bible study on Tuesday mornings. What a joy it has been to study God’s word together with these women, many of whom have been a vital part of my prayer support team since I started serving in Mexico.

Sharing a “God Moment”  and a quick update on ministry and what the Lord taught me while being back from Mexico at the V.B.C. women’s study.

Returning to Mazatlan, but not on my own…

At the end of April, I was blessed to lead a team from Voyagers Bible Church down to Mazatlan. As I introduced  the VBC team to my church family at Calvary Maranatha, I felt like I was introducing distant relatives at a family reunion. What a joy it was to make these introductions realizing that the VBC group was seeing the fruits from their support and prayers for me over the years.

Pastor Tony and the VBC team visiting Marnatha Este church plant with Pastor Gabriel and his wife Ramona.

We all had a great time with Pastor Tony as he toured us around the Calvary Maranatha ministries in Mazatlan. We had an opportunity to be involved several midweek evening events and Sunday church and baptism service at centro,  as well as visiting a few church plant locations, and having an opportunity encourage and pray with several pastors and church planting students. In addition, the VBC team provided all the paint and supplies need to help transform the exterior of Maranatha Centro.

Voyagers Bible Church and Calvary Maranatha teamed together to paint the church.

What a rich and action packed time we were able to spend together. The VBC team’s investment of their time, finances and skills made a great impact on my heart and a lasting impression on the Calvary Maranatha church family in Mazatlan. 

New Opportunities…

This summer I am excited to share that I will be joining in with the Calvary School of Missions.

Classes and training will take place in Mexico from July 9th- August 20th and will involve multiple levels of hands-on experiences and biblical training from Calvary Chapel pastors and missionaries currently serving on the field. 

I am honored to be serving as this year’s Director of Outreach as well as participating in the daily class program provided.

During these weeks, I am confident that the Lord is going to use this rich opportunity of training and serving together to guide us toward the paths He has next for us!

As His word says:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Thank you for your continued prayers and support!

Please join me in prayer for:

  • The continued ministry of Calvary Maranatha, Mazatlan and their future church plants
  • God’s wisdom and knowledge as I follow on His paths.
  •  Health and provision through this time of learning.