Men and Women After God’s Own Heart – Pastor 15* Update July 2023

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I thank God for your prayers and support!

It is Monsoon season, farmers wait for this to cultivate their field. It is supposed to be a joyful season, but it is very devastating in the North. There are floods and frequent land-slides in the mountains. Cities and villages in the plains are flooded, many people have died and so much economic loss has happened. 

We have started a new session of our Bible School. We have eight students; four students who started last year and four new students. This semester the students are being taught: Proverbs, Gospel of Mark, Prison Epistles, Pastoral Epistles, Hebrews, Attributes of God, Church History and Homiletics. I am teaching Hebrews and homiletics. On Sundays, I have been teaching from Genesis. Thus far I have covered chapter 41 of Genesis in Sunday Services. I am blessed by being taught by the Holy Spirit before teaching to His people in the classes or in church.

One of the former students of our Bible Institute in the North has been serving the Lord faithfully in spite of persecution. He is pastoring a small fellowship. Last month he had pain in his stomach and went to the doctor. He got some medical tests and found that he has a stone in his kidney and a cyst in his liver. He had to go to the capital for the further tests to diagnose the cyst. The doctor told him that he has cancer. He has to take chemotherapy for 1 ½ years. Please pray for him.

We thank the Lord for adding new souls to our fellowship. Two new families from Hindu backgrounds are coming regularly to our Sunday Service. One of the families is made up of only a husband and wife. They are newly married. Both of them have been forsaken by their families because of their faith in Jesus. They are going through tough times. We talked to a Christian sister who owns a house in the city where no one is living. She has agreed to let them live there for free. Praise God- Jehovah Jireh! 

Last month my wife and I were invited to preach the Word in a “Men and Women” conference. Two sessions were combined for men and women and one session was divided. My wife shared the Word to the women’s group in the divided session. I shared the Word in both combined sessions and also in the men’s group. My topic was “Men and Women after God’s Own Heart”.

My wife shared “Partaker of God’s blessing”. She shared from Ruth’s life. Praise God that the Lord used both of us and people were blessed.

Thank you so much for being partners in the ministry through your financial support and prayers. We do pray for you and your families. God bless you!

Co-workers in Christ,

Pastor 15* Family

*Names and Faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.