“In every situation, no matter what the circumstances, be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thess. 5:18 (ASB version)
These are definitely different times that we are living in! We are making adjustments in the way we minister and meet the needs of the people here in Tijuana with the Coronavirus pandemic, as I’m sure you all are as well. We have to be creative, and so far all is well. I am thankful and blessed to serve God in whatever capacity I am able to. Here are a few highlights of these past two months:
Since we are not able to have our after school program/soup kitchen, we are driving to the kids’ homes and passing out “dispensas” (care packages) of food and health and hygiene supplies. This has been a great blessing for our families as many are out of work and literally have no food!

April 30th in Mexico is “Día del Niño” (Kid’s Day), and is a huge celebration honoring all of the kids (and there are many)! We were not able to have our big party this year, so we received some donations of clothes and toys from our dentist friend and were able to bless the kids, all 40 of them received something. Just seeing their smiles brightened our day!

We collaborated with Calvary Chapel Tijuana in blessing all of the front line workers here in Tijuana–doctors, police officers, fire-fighters, ambulance drivers, and even patients with medical supplies. We received a donation of 15,000 face shields, 12,000 face masks, 15,000 gloves, hand sanitizers, cleaning supplies, three medical tents, and 30 plastic folding chairs , so the entire church body came together to make the face shields. It was a great opportunity for many to serve and keep busy during this time, and it blessed the workers, as you can imagine, tremendously, as they don’t have these supplies. They have to purchase them with their own funds.

I am reading Bible stories on facebook live to the kids every day at 12:00. My prayer is to reach the kids and their parents for the gospel. (I’m sure the parents are listening too)!