Dear Team,
I wish you much joy and blessings in this New Year! Last year was great and filled with God’s goodness. I am so thankful for each and every one of you. The fact that you are all praying for me is the biggest blessing and strength in my life. God is always faithful and I am grateful to our Lord. It gives me so much joy to see how He is using me in different districts and villages here in my area.

In my area, it is very rare to find people with Christian literature, and even more rare to see children with Christian books. Most children are exposed only to Hinduism, not to the Gospel or a story from the Bible. The Lord has given me a great burden for the children. They are the next generation. I was greatly blessed to be able to get and distribute many books that are composed of Bible stories. These books are for different ages and grades, from very young kids to teenagers. They cover stories from the Old Testament as well as the New Testament.

As I visit the villages with these books, the children are very open and excited to hear the stories. This is the first time they saw books like this, and they are able to hold them in their hands. They value these gifts.
When I visit them, I divide them into groups based on their age and grade in school. I assign a leader to each group and ask them to read out loud, so that the others who cannot read can understand.
I was also able to bring Bibles and give them to the kids who have a heart to learn the Word of God, who are also able to read and write. As I continue to visit them, I plan to spend time with these children and help them understand God’s Word.
“All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.”

Isaiah 54:13
In one of the villages I visit regularly, there is a young girl whose family I have been ministering to. This young girl was the first in her family to give her life to the Lord. Her faith has drawn her family closer to Him. She is in 10th grade and has become very busy, but she still has an interest to serve.
I have asked her to read these stories to the younger children that are unable to read and to even help them as they pray. The children love her and pay close attention as she reads. I am praying that this young girl will continue to draw closer to the Lord and grow a heart to serve Him.
I am asking God to raise up many young men and women like her in every village I visit. It is so easy to focus on having a career and the things of life, but I hope these young people can understand they have an even brighter future serving the King of Glory.

When I reach the areas where I do ministry, sometimes the parents are out in the agricultural fields working, but they invite me to teach their children. The children are usually with their grandparents at home. When I gather the kids, the elderly people are nearby watching the children and listening to what I share. Sometimes the grandparents might not be interested to come on their own, but because their grandchildren are interested, they will come and learn in the process. God is wonderful! His Word never returns void.
“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”
Isaiah 55:11

I am seeing how the Lord is working, how He has a purpose in all things. He has given me vision to see these children as the future generation to carry the Gospel to my nation. My nation is full of darkness, but if these children come to know the Lord, their lights will shine so bright for Jesus and change this land. His work is not only for the future, it is for now as well. He is moving today and He is carrying His Word forth.
Please continue to pray for my mother’s health. It is winter here. This is the most difficult season for people who have trouble with their respiratory system!
God bless,
Pastor 7*
*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.