June was a great month of ministry and missions!
I know, that may sound weird, but it’s true. Last month we helped orchestrate several COVID relief outreaches in Nepal and various other countries like Mexico and Peru! Thanks to your generous support of our missionaries and of Saving Grace World Missions, we were able to get the funds into these countries where they were able to use them to purchase and distribute goods to the poor and needy.

I’ve also been able to grow in my financial tasks and have learned how to run and interpret various reports that we use constantly. We are launching our Calvary School of Missions on Monday and we send the students weekly updates on their tuition donations. Last year I was entirely dependent upon our accountant to run the reports and send them to me but this year I have been able to monitor student tuition on my own and send the regular fundraising updates.
Calvary School of Missions (CSOM) is an exciting 6-week program that allows young people who feel called to missions to explore that option and seek the heart of God in the field while receiving hands on training from veteran missionaries and pastors. We are so excited to have 13 students and 7 staff members leaving for Mexico in 4 days! We are amazed at how God has expanded our vision from 13 people total last year to 20 this year, even in the midst of a pandemic!
After the School we will launch our second annual Intern Program with brand new interns and I am excited to formulate the training curriculum and organize their in-office schedule. Pastor Tim is the head of the department and together we are improving and expanding the internship. The internship is designed to take our CSOM students one step further and effectively see them launched into the mission field. last year’s students-turned-interns are well on their way to their countries of ministry and we are excited to see the Lord send them in this next year or so.
We have found the internship to be incredibly effective in continuing the lessons learned in Mexico and implementing them in order to launch the students into full-time cross-cultural missions.

Prayer Requests
- Please pray for this year’s Calvary School of Missions; for all 12 students, for our 7 staff members, for those they’ll be encountering, for safety and health for all, and smooth border crossings.
- Please pray for this year’s interns and this upcoming year’s interns- that God would bring those we are meant to disciple and that He’d plant those who go back to their homes so that all are able to get out onto the mission field if that is His will for them.
- Please keep our missionaries all over the world in your prayers and remember them as though chained with them.
Thank you! If you would like to be a part of what God is doing to reach the world for Christ through the ministry of Saving Grace World Missions you can help in so many ways! You can share this update, you can pray, you can adopt a missionary financially, and you can support a student at School of Missions. If you would like to learn more about any of our ministries or how you can be involved, please email me or call the office. I’d love to connect with you!
If the Lord puts it on your heart to support a missionary financially, I am in need of monthly partners but so are many of our other missionaries. I would be glad to chat with you and hear your heart and match you with the missionary that is working in the part of the world you feel burdened for or is doing the type of ministry the Lord has put on your heart.
Much love,