Thank you for your prayers and support!

We have had a really good start of the first worship service in the church building during this month of November. Everyone was so happy to come together to worship our Lord Jesus Christ! We had the Lord’s supper together during our 1st Sunday worship service. During the lock-down, God taught us many things about depending upon Him when things don’t go well and trusting in Him for everything.

People in the church have been sharing testimonies about what God has done in their lives and how He is working when they put their trust in Him. I was really happy watching them growing in the Lord. Their testimonies are really encouraging me to do more for God. It’s also building my faith and teaching me to lean on Him (God).
I want to share a few of the testimonies in this newsletter, so that they may encourage you to keep praying for us and for the ministry.
Brother Arthur*: He was suffering for many months with kidney stones, and was becoming very weak. I saw him crying and struggling with extreme pain. I shared in the monthly prayer requests to please pray for him and we were praying for him too. The doctors suggested to him to have surgery to get the stones removed, but our God is powerful and heals.
Brother Arthur was worried about his kidney stones, but he still trusted God would do something in his life. Two days later the stone came out itself and he was healed from that pain. Praise God!

Sister Kalma*: She had a kidney infection. Within two weeks God healed her!
Prita* : Contracted COVID-19. Healed!
Amber*: She had extreme stomach pain. When she prayed and asked God to heal her, God amazingly healed her right then!
There are so many things that God is doing in our church people’s lives: providing new jobs, healing them, and restoring them.
We are praising God for what He is doing and are thankful to you for being prayer supporters to us!
Young Adult Bible Study
This month we started a young adult Bible study. It is going very well. They are really excited to know God from His Word. We are also teaching them inductive Bible study, so that they can easily divide and understand God’s Word rightly. Even when they are at home, they are studying the Bible using the IBS (Inductive Bible Study) method.

We have now moved to a new place where we will start a Bible school/college. This month we hosted a meeting for pastors from different denominations to introduce our Bible school/college. We got good responses from the pastors and prayed together over the work that we are doing here. I really praise God that we received encouragement from local pastors. In February, we are going to start classes. Right now our team is preparing for the school. Brother Andrew* is working alongside me in teaching and helping with the Bible school/college.
New church plant

For many years, many pastors came to serve in a particular area, but no one was able to continue with what they had started. For many years, I watched pastors come and start ministry there and then suddenly leave. I do not know why. I always wondered, “Why is this happening?” This place is my home town. Now, God has opened a door for me to start a Bible study to reach this area. The total population of this area is 67,271. In the place we are working in, there are 800 people. This area has some historical Hindu temples and also a big hill covered with very big rocks on it. There are many temples on these rocks. A lot of people, from other areas, come to worship these rocks and idols. There is a lot of idolatry in this area. The town has nine mountains around it. I have been living in the area for 12 years but there is still no church today. From (undisclosed) city it is a 3-4 hour drive.
During this November, we started a Bible study. We now have 11 people who are coming to the Bible study. We are really excited about how God is going to work in this area to break the idolatry and traditions of men. We need your prayers to continue the work that God has already started. We want to see people worshiping the true Living God, instead of worshiping rocks and trees.In this area many young adults are addicted to alcohol and smoking. There are raging women, people stealing and fights. Some people have been kicked out of their families because of their addictions. They need Jesus. Their lives need to be transformed. We want to see them experiencing the love of God so that they can love one another.
I have been meditating on the Word of God from Romans 13:8-10. I got stuck in the words “Love your Neighbor”. It encouraged me to reach those young adults so that they could experience the love of God and love their neighbors.
The work has already begun. One of our team members, Brother Punkaj*, has been discipled by and serving in our Calvary Chapel church for 4 years. He is a Bible college student who studied at our Southern and Northern campuses. He’s serving there in Ardim*. I go once a week to encourage and work along side him until he is ready to take over the ministry there. Please pray for him and the ministry in Ardim*.
We still have 4 different locations where we hope to start up churches, but need workers. The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Pray that God would lead His servants to take over the ministry in those areas.

New Church Plants
- We planted our main church in 2015
- East Almir*– praying for workers
- Ardim* – work started (170 km from city)
- Negal*– praying for workers
- Kenosh* -praying for workers.(30 kms from city)
- Jaga* – praying for workers. (85 kilometers from the city)
Thank you for taking time to pray and partaking in the work we do here. We keep praying for you and your families. We love you.
Prayer Requests:
- Pray that God’s work that we are doing here would be fruitful and a blessing to many.
- That the Church believers grow more in the wisdom of God and in His Word.
- Pray for sister Amber’s* son. He is sick.
- Pray for my mom to have good health. She has fat grown in her liver. Please pray for her healing.
- Pray for my newborn niece to have good health.
- Pray for my wife, she is now 7 months pregnant.
- Pray for brother Punkaj* who is serving in Ardim*.
- Pray for Andrew* as he is serving in the Bible school/college.
- Pray for Andrew’s* dad to get a new job.
- This Christmas season, we are planning to print calendars to give as gifts and reach more people with the Gospel. We would also distribute them to make friends. Please pray for the financial provision for this.
- Blankets distribution (Relief work)–It is winter now, and there are many who are homeless and sleep on the streets at night. We want to share the love of God and the Gospel and give them blankets.
Please pray.
Thank you!
Pastor 6* and Family
*Names have been changed or omitted for security reasons.