It’s All Greece to Me! – Fulmizi Update July 2023

Missionary sharing the story of Acts 17 on Mars Hill

“Since my wife is back in our home country and unable to come here, we do a video call every night together.” We were gathered together on a patio in Greece as believers from multiple nations. The brother from Pakistan continued his story, “We study the Bible together and pray together. I am leading us in this for the sake of our own marriage, but also so that the men I am discipling can be shown a good example. Many of them are in the same situation with their marriages.” Whether it is a wife and husband separated from each other by visa papers, pregnant women thrown in jail, or a man being beaten simply for wearing a cross, our family in Christ go through much tribulation overseas.

Training with church leaders and disciple makers in Greece

I went to Greece because God had put nearby lands on my heart almost two years ago. While I was at the School of Missions in 2021, I learned about nations close to the country of Greece that are rich with biblical history yet today stand very unreached with the gospel. One in particular stood out to me and became a focus of my prayers for unreached nations. I know very little about the security in this country so for now I will just call it, “Coastland.” The early church once thrived in places like Coastland, but now these areas are dry wastelands with very little knowledge or revelation of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. There are billions of people who have no access to hear the gospel, meet a Christian, or go to church that live a few hours flight away from Greece. Although the specific country of Greece wasn’t on my radar: the areas that it touches and affects were. This is why I am so thankful that you were able to send me there for this ten day trip to learn what God is doing today. God even opened the doors for me to go to Coastland for two days!

Kevin and I with US Missionaries in Greece!

A quick look at a map of Paul’s missionary journeys reminds how significant the land in Greece is to our Christian heritage. Phillipi, Corinth, and Thessalonica all are located in the country of Greece. During our stay, Kevin and I were in the city of Athens. This is the city where the apostle Paul gave his famous sermon in Acts 17 where he preached about Jesus being, “The unknown God.” We got to visit Mars hill, the very place where Paul preached this message!

Mars Hill

It felt very ironic that as we met missionaries in Greece, they talked of ministering to people in the very same places Paul planted some of the first churches. God moved then in this land and He is moving again, although the people that God is focusing on are a bit different than in the days of Paul. There are over 12 million refugees in Europe and many of them come through Greece on their way to other countries. The overwhelming need for the gospel among refugees is causing many missionaries, like the ones in Greece, to focus on ministering to them. There are many refugees who are going through similar hardships as our brother from Pakistan.

Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.


I cannot express how impactful this trip was for me personally. I am in awe of God’s sovereignty, grace, and your generosity that allows me to take trips like these. I was able to meet many refugees and learn about believers who are working diligently to reach the unreached with the gospel. Please co-labor with me in prayer for the refugees coming to Christ and the church working hard to disciple them.

For His Eternal Kingdom,

Adam Fulmizi

Praise Reports/Prayer Requests

  • Praise Reports
    • Open doors and amazing connections on the Greece trip.
    • The Lord allowing me to visit “Coastland”, the mediterranean country I have been praying for.
    • Refugees are hearing the gospel and coming to Christ!
  • Prayer Requests
    • For our brother from Pakistan who is currently separated by borders from his wife to be reunited.
    • For the refugees coming from very unreached nations to hear the gospel and be saved.
    • For the open door to return to the area of Greece sometime next year.

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