Thank you for praying for and supporting our ministry. We pray that God blesses you all.
Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God.
Matthew 5:9 (NKJV)
Jesus told us to go and preach the Word of God. We went and proclaimed the Word of God through the Book of Acts.
Near the capital city is the place where I grew up. God put a burden in my heart to pray for the villages in that district to be reached for Christ. When I went there, my heart began to rejoice, because I got an opportunity to meet a church pastor there!
In previous years, people from that village rejected the Gospel when I shared it. They even chased our Gospel-sharing group out and threw stones at us. When I went there, I saw a small church. That was the answer to my prayers.
When I met the church pastor, he invited me to share and teach the Word of God. So, during the holy festival time, pastor Anand and I went there. We preached, taught and proclaimed the Word of God. About 100 believers, including local pastors, leaders, church youth/young adults, and women from different areas of that district came. We taught them from the books of Acts. We also had fellowship together.
Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for a certain area where there are local pastors asking to be able to go to a Bible college/training center. This place is connected to the border road of China. In the future, it is planned for this road to go from the capital to the district on the Chinese border.
- Please pray that this church will have sound Biblical doctrine teaching.
- Pray that God would change the thinking that Christians are low in the cast system. People of this area discriminate Christians as low caste.
- Please pray for the church to be able to own some land. The number of believers is increasing. They have been collecting money to buy land and build their own church so everyone will be able to fit inside.
- Pray for the local pastors and leaders. They are doing different social activities. Please pray that these activities can flourish and be fruitful.
God bless you,
Rabi and Mahima