Wherever people come from, they are often called by their city/state/country. For example, a person from the city of Boulder is a boulderite. A person from Colorado is a coloradoan (or a fairly new name is a coloradical). People from Peru are peruvians or in Spanish “peruanos”.
Have you heard of a Moyobambino before? It is not a vegetable nor a species of plant. It is not a hamburger that you order at the restaurant Good Times either. The team of Calvary Moyobamba will be Moyobambinos, because we will be living there!

The Church Building
On the quest to rent a church building month by month, after many appointments, conversations, prayers, and navigating through Moyobamba, one place stood out to us. This place has the space, the feel of church, it’s an ideal location, and has a quiet street next to it. We met up with the renter the second to last day of our week trip and signed the contract! Calvary Moyobamba is going to be a place that teaches sound doctrine and loves the people with God’s love. We are excited and we see God orchestrating it all.
I have decided to teach the book of Mark the Sunday services that will start in October. The idea is to get a concrete understanding of who Jesus is. He has radically transformed my life. By His Word being preached, He can transform the lives of others by His power. Jesus came to serve. Jesus stood against religious bullies. Jesus had compassion on the multitudes of people. Jesus was and is a brilliant teacher to His disciples and others. And He gave His life so that others may have eternal life. There is no one like Jesus in the history of the world! Please pray that the people of Moyobamba can desire to know Him and be conformed to Him.
We also found an apartment for Mili and Gina (the two girls pictured above), who are committed to helping for 6 months! They are happy and will be a huge blessing.

The invasion
We are thankful to have Pastor Cory, Calvary Trujillo, and a Calvary team from Kauai come alongside us the second week of October to help us start the church plant. There will be over 100 people on this trip. Ahsu! (means “oh my!” in Peruvian slang). Our objectives are to let people know there is a church plant and invite them to church. There will be a concert, a barbeque in a park, kids events, evangelism, and much more! I will be coordinating much of this. Please pray!
Connecting with the Locals
Our second to last day was my favorite day. We were able to take a little break and spend time with some local people. We drank coffee, played games, got to know each other, and prayed. Wesley, Pamela, and Karen are excited for the church plant and want to meet up again when we come back. Karen specifically expressed interest in being discipled in the Bible. She is now part of our Friday Zoom prayer group and is very receptive of God’s Word. Pamela is coming to Trujillo in September for the church planting conference, and wants to learn more of God’s ways. She is looking for the next step in her life. Wesley is looking for community and told us he will intentionally not go to his high school graduation because he is turned off by the party scene. Pray that God can use Yenry, Mili, Gina and I to point them to the Bible and that they can be part of Calvary Moyobamba.

One way to be part of this work
One way to support us is by giving financially month by month. We are about 60% funded. The funds will be invested in discipling the locals, serving the community, being able to pay rent throughout the years, make trips to other jungle communities from time to time, materials for the church, and much more. At the bottom of this newsletter is where you can give.
Praise reports
Praise God that we have a church building!
Praise God for Yenry, Mili, and Gina. They are so helpful and have many talents that I lack.
Praise God for our friendships with some of the people in Moyobamba and the quality time we spent.
Praise God that He is with us and in a masterful way putting everything together
Prayer requests
Pray that God continues to convict people in Moyobamba of sin and receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Pray that the team and I can stay humble and sensitive to God.
Pray that we can go the next step with our friends in Moyobamba and disciple them.