“No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”
These are some powerful words from our Lord Jesus Christ, and we take them to heart. If there was ever a time to give it all we got, it’s NOW!
It is so obvious that satan has been more aggressive than usual. Everything has been set up for him to rule without even needing to hide. So why should we! We have determined more than ever to hit the streets, seek the lost and proclaim the gospel with fervency, boldness, and authority, making sure it’s provoked by love and covered in grace.
Tough times ahead

Acapulco is currently going through another crime wave. The cartel has gotten very bold in these last days and has challenged the authorities for control of the city. Please pray for our police and military. They face evil and powerful entities. Their lives are in danger on a daily basis. Many of the fellowship in our church. Apart from praying for safety, another important prayer is that the cartel heads would get SAVED! May the Lord give us open doors to minister to them.
A special visit
We were so blessed and encouraged by Calvary Chapel Mexicalli, who came down to help our ministry in many ways. Pastor Juan and his wife Lorena shared in our marriage couple ministry. They gave an amazing testimony about how God can restore a marriage on the brink of destruction. During the pandemic, many marriages went through a very tough season, so this word came on time. Everyone was truly refreshed.

Calvary Chapel Mexicalli from Baja California
They also brought a construction crew that WOULD NOT QUIT!!!. They visited every one of our church plants to help build much-needed classrooms for each of them. They finished every project the same day they started. They were absolute soldiers!

Calvary Chapel Colosio

Calvary Chapel Chilpancingo

Calvary Chapel Zapata
We also had a great time evangelism. We hit the surrounding streets of each Calvary, sharing the good news. We take joy knowing the word will never return void.

Women’s ministry

Stacy continues to teach women’s studies here at the church. They are currently going through Kay Smith’s book, Pleasing God. (Pictured above) They brought a cake to celebrate her birthday.
Men’s Discipleship (The 70)
This month I started the men’s discipleship program once again. It’s called The 70, in reference to the 70 hand-picked men made by Moses and later by Christ Himself. Men were specifically chosen for a greater call. It’s an intense four-month course made for equipping men to become leaders. Overall I’m looking to prepare the next set of pastors and church planters. It’s based on 1 Timothy 3. We go through every requirement for the deacon and elder. I usually start off with about 25-30 men but end up with around 10-12 diligent servants. It’s always a great reward to see men transformed to serve Christ faithfully.

Middle East Visit

Left to right (Me, Muhammed, Jordan, and Bryan)
The Lord has opened the door to the middle east. It turns out Mexicans are a perfect fit. I was able to accompany Pastor Trent Douglas from Calvary Chapel Saving Grace. One of our sisters from the fellowship has the heart to minister to Muslims, and so I decided to join the team as we spied out the land and learned how we could come alongside her. It’s tough terrain, but very obvious the Lord has a plan. I believe this also helps our church be mindful of others around the world. Sometimes we can be consumed by our own needs forgetting the world is bigger than just Mexico. Muslims need Jesus just as badly.
Facing Goliath
Our fellowship has hit a very big obstacle.
This building has been home to us for the past three and a half years. In Acapulco, it’s very difficult to find an affordable building that can host a congregation with classrooms for children. Well, I recently got a phone call from the owner telling us someone wants to buy the building. This was a big blow to us all. Not only because it is home but also because we believe we are in a very strategic area. We are currently located right off the main street downtown. We always have visitors just for the simple fact that they saw our sign. Most of them end up making Calvary their home church. Also, many of our people don’t have vehicles and so being on the side of the main highway puts us right at their bus stop. This building has been a tremendous blessing with so much to offer. All that to say. WE WANT TO STAY, and we feel led to stay! Legally the owner has to allow us to give an offer. Now, this is where Goliath steps in. The owner is asking for 8.6 million pesos which comes to $340,000 U.S. dollars. We are looking into getting a loan, but even so, it’s going to take a great miracle. So please, please pray for us! Below is a short video of our beloved church.

Video of our 10:00 a.m. service
Prayer and Praise
We thank God for His faithfulness. We still can’t believe all that He has done.
We ask that you please partner with us by praying for our church and family.
For the Lord’s protection from the enemy and souls to be saved.
May we bring honor to His Name in this place. Thank you all for the love, prayers, and support.
Many blessings
Financial Support