Hello Team,
Hope you all are well and thank you for all your prayers!
Last month was a month of fellowship and teaching. I taught 1st Corinthians to the students here. They had a lot of doubts and questions. The beauty is that the Word of God has filled their hearts with answers and solutions. I am so glad that every time I teach this book, in different places with different students, the people are understanding; what Christianity is, how the church should be organized, how spiritual gifts should be operated, and many more things that a Christian has in his or her life as they walk with the Lord Jesus. By the end of the book, they are able to recognize what is the ‘religion’ and what is the ‘way’ and what is godly and what is not godly within the church.
I was also able to preach on one Sunday in church. I preached on the topic “What is ahead of you when you become a Christian?” As part of their study in the book of Romans, I talked about sanctification, growing in the Truth and knowledge of Christ, transforming into the image of Christ, and the obligation we have to bring the Gospel to unreached.
I was so blessed to be a part of the teaching schedule and to invest the Word of God in the lives of these men who are seeking Truth.
Pastor 7
*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.