Great Opportunities to Show the Love of Christ

Hello Dear Family,

Merry Christmas to you all. Yes, God has been doing a great work in us and through us to reach out to the lost. I thank you for your prayers and support.

During the Christmas season, we have a great opportunity to reach out to people and show the love of Christ. We are planning to have Gospel outreaches in 5 different locations. Two in the city, 2 in villages, and 1 in a tribal area. Pray that those who listen will see Christ and experience His love. We are going to preach the Gospel to them.

As I was meditating on the Word of God and thinking about reaching out to the lost, God reminded me of this verse: “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the Gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God”. Only the true Gospel of Christ has power to unveil the minds of unbelievers and open their eyes. So, we are going to take the Gospel to the places where Satan has been enthroned. Our schedule starts on December 7th and lasts until December 25th. We will be travelling to many different places and many different districts. Almost 20 different districts! Please pray for our travels. We are very thankful for a vehicle that God has provided. We have been praying for 3 years for a vehicle. God amazingly provided it in His timing! We are praising God for His provision.  

Bible Institute Student Outreach During School Break

God works in many amazing ways. It is with that assurance and faith that we started work in a village nearby. I mentioned this village in my previous newsletter. There is hostility and strong enmity towards the Gospel in this village. God, in His plan, once again led us to this village, after the semester was over.

Before entering the village, we prayed over the village, proclaimed God’s authority and cried out for God’s protection. As soon as we entered the village, we followed the example of the Lord’s ministry by going two-by-two in every direction of the village. The Lord, in His grace, opened up the hearts of a few. Those few accepted the Gospel and invited us to visit their homes. We all evangelized in the village for 4 hours. When all of us except for two, had arrived to our meeting place, the news had already spread all over the village that Christians were in the village proclaiming the Gospel. Many of the people gathered together and were plotting to confront us. As the final two, were about to reach our meeting point, people ran behind our brothers to confront them. But our brothers outran them and reached the meeting place. From there, we all could drive away from that village. After we went a short distance, we stopped by at a temple. We sat there and again prayed for the village. God, revealed to us while we prayed that the enemy is enthroned in that village, but God who is far greater than the enemy, is going to topple down the same enemy from the throne and going to rule over the hearts of the people in the village. Then, we had to take another route to exit the village than the usual route.

Park Evangelism: The next day, we went to a park nearby. We followed the same method of evangelizing, two-by-two, in the park. All of us, shared the Gospel with many of the people. At the end, one of our brothers, did open-air preaching in the park where many got to hear the Word of God. We pray that the seeds which were sown, will bear fruit in due time for His glory.

Hospital Ministry: The very next day, we went to the largest hospital in our city. There we prayed, helped, and served the patients. We took a hold of every opportunity to share the love of Jesus to the patients who are unloved, hopeless and homeless.

Prayer Walk: We serve and do ministry in the city. We were also led to walk for over 22 miles in the city and pray over the houses and communities here. We evangelized all the way. We were filled with hope and faith that God would one day bring each and every one to the knowledge of His son, Jesus Christ.

Food Distribution: The final day, we prepared dinner, and made packages of the food to distribute to those without food and to the homeless. We were not only prepared to give food, but also to share love of Jesus by sharing the Gospel.

Calvary Bible Institute Update

God, in His rich mercies, helped all of our staff and students successfully complete this semester. It is a sheer joy to see the students mature and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior. Fervent zeal to reach the lost has been manifest in all of the students. The staff are also being prepared for the harvest which is to come through this labor. Each and every teaching, every book, every session so magnified the truth in God’s Scripture that all of us here are day-by-day being made complete for every good work and also be called as men of God to faithfully and rightly divide the Word of Truth.

What we especially feel blessed about at the Institute is the fellowship that the students have. The fellowship they have with God through their diligent study of the Word and continuous prayer life, and also their fellowship with one another as they are getting to know each other and love one another. A wide range of Biblical teachings from the Old Testament and New Testament are being helpful for all of us to be well acquainted with the whole counsel of God. It is with great anticipation we cry unto the God of the harvest to send more workers for our fields, where there is an unprecedented lack of Biblical knowledge.  

Pastors’ Conference

“God’s Grace”–this is the reply given by all of our students when we asked them for feedback about the pastors conference in a nearby country. It has been a dream-come-true moment for us to be able to comprehend the meaning for the words: “No man has ever seen or no man has ever heard for the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” Some of our students never even imagined in their dreams that God would cause them to set foot in a different country. The teachings by visiting pastors, meeting the body of Christ in the nearby country, eating the country’s pork meat, having fellowship with one another, experiencing the unusual cold weather– the list goes on and on. Brethren, nothing is in vain. Each and every little detail God has prepared serves a purpose. We believe that it is just the beginning of our lifetime mission to see every nation, every tribe and every tongue worship the One true God.

While we were staying there, we saw co-workers from different parts of the world. Our brothers felt great comfort in their hearts–knowing that they are not alone in this battle which we wage with unseen principalities and the power of this world. The truth which was proclaimed in the teachings has enabled all of us to keep running the race and pressing towards the mark and reach unto those things which are in the future. Even though our nations, languages, cultures, and traditions vary so much, Christ is whom we all have in common. We are all made one in Him, who has given Himself a ransom for whomsoever believes in Him.


Seven students recently graduated during the conference. We rejoice at their devotion and commitment to Christ. They firmly believed that a good work has been started by God within them, and that it is He who will bring a glorious end to that good work which He began. We are filled with hope to see the fruit in the coming days and that this little flock will be faithful to the Lord and bring in more souls for the expansion of Kingdom of God.

Our brothers are going to be spread in different directions all over in 2 different states in this coming season. All of the things, which God has taught them while they were in the Bible Institute will be used as they are in field. Especially the effects of false teachings that have been ransacking the lives of the sheep in the states. The work, now for our brothers will be to teach the sheep at a higher level the truth revealed in the divine scriptures in their houses, villages and cities. We expect great things and also do great things because we serve a God who is great. Though the seed which has been sown in our hearts is small, we believe our God will bring increase in due time and that the fruit in both the states would be unfathomably more.

Youth Bible Study

Youth at our Calvary Chapel church plant are another set of wonderful souls, that God has bestowed to us. The eagerness and earnest desire to ponder on the Word of God has been steadily increasing in their souls. As of now, they are being taught from the Gospel of Mark by brother A*. A few of the youth have already started to minister in word and deed in a nearby old-age home. They are also using every opportunity to bear witness for the Word of God and testimony of Lord Jesus Christ. We are praying and preparing our minds and hearts to do more evangelism in our communities in the coming year and to let ourselves shine and do good works for the Glory of the Father, who is in heaven. 

More evangelism that is going on includes: street witnessing, track distribution, park evangelism, prayer walks, in-home Bible studies, college outreach and more. We believe, the unreached are our neighbors next-door, our neighborhood, our community and our city. Our prayer is to reach our city and a nearby city. May God pour out His grace unto each and every youth in the church to be a vessel for His Word and good works which He has prepared before the foundation of the world. 

Women’s Bible Study

On Wednesdays, our regular women’s Bible study is playing a very significant place in those who attends’ lives. During it, they can learn, grow and be strengthened to endure the suffering they go through in their daily lives. Most of these sisters’ husbands beat and harass them. They go through domestic abuse for choosing Christ and coming to the fellowship. Even though the cost is high, the Lord is strengthening them to take a stand for the truth and to lead their families to saving faith.

Sunday School

Most of the kids at our Sunday School come from broken, disturbed families. Church is where these beautiful kids are loved, cared for and taught about Christ. All of the kids are actively taking part in Sunday school activities. We praise God that their day-to-day commitment is firm in Christ as they are growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ.

One of Our Graduate’s New Church Plant

At the new church plant in Y*, Sunday worship service has started in the evenings, through which the Lord graciously added 5 families to our church. The book of Psalms is being taught in the evening service. Since a new work has been started here in this community, more work needs to be done regarding teaching the basics of our faith, so that a strong foundation will be laid in this church. They are being edified in the matters of love, grace and forgiveness to each other. Evidently, the Word is working in their hearts and transforming their souls. Please pray that God will open more doors to reach the heathen with the saving faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.

A Testimony of God’s Miraculous Works

A sister named P*, who is a family member of a church member, was pregnant and admitted to the hospital in a critical condition. Doctors gave up on her, saying that there were complications in the baby’s growth and confirmed that the baby had already died in the mother’s womb. The condition was so severe that even the mother’s life was be in danger. As soon as we received the call, we prayed and reached out to the hospital and interceded for God’s help in this critical situation. God, In His rich mercies heard our prayers and miraculously healed both the mother and the baby. We thank God that He has shown grace upon this family.

N* Slum

God laid upon our brother P*’s heart to reach out to the people in N*. Initially, the people were non-responsive and reluctant towards the Gospel. As soon as they were shown love by some acts of kindness in times of need (like blanket distribution), they invited brother P* to start a Bible study with a Christian family in the slum. This fellowship of one family has now increased to 6 families. Brother P* is ministering them with the Word every Thursday.

The kids in the slum are uneducated. So everyday brother P* is teaching 15 of the children. Please pray for the kids to grow in the Word of Christ and for the families who attend the fellowship. Your prayers are also needed for our Christmas outreach in this slum which is to be conducted on the December 10th.

K* Bible Study

Every Monday, we meet with families to build homes on the foundation of the Word of God. Through these meetings, we pray that men will be reached and be drawn closer to God. Many men are addicted to alcohol and physically abuse the sisters who attend the meetings. These meetings are also to strengthen our sisters, and that through them, their husbands will come to know about God and come to Christ.

Also, on Fridays, Bible exposition on the Gospel of Mark is being taught to help those who listen to know the servant nature of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Praise Report

  • Praise God that He has helped all of the graduates successfully finish their training.
  • Praise God for providing a new vehicle for ministry which will help in the expansion of the Kingdom of God
  • Praise God for providing a house to have worship service in Y*
  • Praise God for His faithfulness for every need which is met, every prayer which has been answered, and pouring out His grace to continue this work for the whole year

A sister named A*, who has been attending to our fellowship, was going through a financial crisis. Ever since she started to grow in the Word, the Lord was ministering to her heart. A new house was made available to her family by the grace of God. Seeing her grow in God, her husband started to physically abuse her. Please pray that God will open his heart to the Gospel.

Thank God for healing sister M*, who has been suffering with PCOD. Please pray for her to be able to have a child.

Praise God, that He opened doors for the kids to be enrolled in a nearby school (since they were all illiterate). Please pray that God continues to provide them good education.

During the covid lockdown, one family was badly affected. All of the family members were ill. Our brother P* ministered to that family. They are now healed and know the greatness of our God who rejoices in showing mercy to the merciless.

Church Prayer Requests

  • Although we were blessed with an old house in which we could hold services, we still need electricity to continue the services. Please pray that God will meet this need, so that we can worship Him without any interruptions.
  • Please pray that God will provide the needs for the church such as 15 chairs etc.
  • Please pray for a family in T*. May God open the door to start a Bible study and use this family to reach the people in this community.
  • Pray for brother P*’s spiritual life. He wants to be faithful to the Lord and His Word.
  • Please pray for P*’s family, brothers, sisters and brother-in-laws’ salvation. May God bring them to Christ.
  • Pray for our travel for the Gospel outreaches. 

Thank you,

Pastor 6* and Family

*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.