God Works in Amazing Ways! – Pastor 13 Update August 2023

Hello Everyone!

Jai Christ! (Praise the Lord!)

May God bless you all! Thank you for your prayers and for your love that you have for us in the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you also for helping us financially. God bless you all. We are all fine. We pray for you all.

Thank God! This month He has given me the opportunity to meet many people. As you know, we are doing ministry in the village area in the North. There are people of different castes living all around, and among them I am doing service.

This month, God gave me the opportunity to go to a new village. Before reaching that village with my friend, I prayed to God, “Dear God, when I reach this village today, give me a person to reach out to – so I can explain your promise; so I can tell your love.”

As we came near the village, we saw an old man sitting in the way, feeding his cow. We greeted the old man and asked about how he was doing. As we started talking to him, we could tell from his face he was very sad. So I said, “Uncle, is there something wrong?”

Then he told me about the situation that he is in. He said, “I live in the village that we are close to. No one listens to us. My house is about to collapse. What should I do, son?” He continued talking like this on and on.

I said “Uncle, I want to talk to you about something.” and I shared with him from the Word of God. I told him, “If no one in this world will listen to you, then there is only the One True God – The person who listens to you and loves you.”

We prayed for him. He then thanked us and took us to his home to have tea.

When we reached his house, the condition of his house was very bad. It was about to collapse. The wife had propped the house up with sticks so that it does not fall on her. We prayed for her.

Then I told my friends that if we can help people like them, it is a good thing. You also please pray for them. Here are some photos of them, so that you can pray for them to get saved.

Thank God that He has so many different ways of working. We all know that God has worked in different ways in my life from time to time.

A few months ago I prayed for a woman and she was healed. She used to go to a Catholic church that she did not like to go to. When I met her, I told her to read the Bible verse-by-verse according to the doctrine of Calvary Chapel. I told her how we teach and we learn this way at Calvary Chapel. She liked it.

When she was healed through prayer, she called 11 more women to her house so that we could pray for them and share the Word with them.

She invited me to her house and I prayed for many people and they started getting healed.

The next week she called about 25 to 30 women. Now we have started a fellowship at her house. Everyone meets once a week and we pray and share the Word with them.

I am praying for these families. That the Word of the Lord will grow in their hearts, and that the work of the Lord will be done in their midst.

I am thanking God for the different ways He is working!

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for the ministry here in the North. Please pray for the villages in this area that we visit. May more doors open like the ones I shared, and may doors open through the doors that God has already opened.
  • Pray that I continue to be able to meet with the people that I shared about, so that I can continue to lead them forward in the Word of God.
  • Pray for all of the villages in our area that speak our native language – pray that there will be a church in each village someday.
  • Pray for the sister who has opened her house for the Word of God and to have fellowship. She wants to have fellowship their always. Also pray for the other women who are listening to the Word.

Thank you all for praying for us. God bless you.

 Pastor 13*

* Names have been changed or omitted for security reasons.