Hello Team,
I am here with great news about how God is working with His servant in the midst of darkness!
The first thing is that last month, I was blessed by a motorcycle for the ministry! It is a huge blessing to me because the rural villages, where I am going, do not usually have public transportation. Prior to this blessing, I traveled in buses to reach the villages and autos (small rickshaws). It was very time consuming to reach my destinations. Also, in the evening, I was not able to get any vehicle to take me back to my home or even to a junction or local town where I could reach a highway to be able to get private transportation. Getting the motorcycle saves me so much time that I am able to reach many more villages than before. I am also able to spend more time with the people to preach the Good News and teach the Word to believers.
In one of the villages that I have been visiting for last three months, there is an old man. He is one of very few believers of that village. He gave me his tiled house (above) to use for God’s glory–to run a church on Sundays and anytime that I visit that village. I have been using it to welcome children after school to teach them about God. I also have been having Sunday worship in it. It did not have electricity, so I worked with few people to get electricity into it (left). The children are learning some stories from the Bible, Christian songs, and how to pray. The adults are learning the Word of God.
I have now been visiting seven villages every week. I am teaching Sunday services in five villages, with at-least two families in each village. It is such a great joy to meet new people in this journey and help them understand about: the Creator, Creation, Sin, the Holiness of God, the sin nature of man, how God reconciled humanity to Him with His grace, and the need for you and I to believe and accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior. A few months ago, I had no idea at all about how to talk to these people. Their lives are very distant from technology and they mostly depend on agriculture for their livelihood. But, I asked God to give me wisdom to reach these people and villages with His Good News with simple language and examples that can help them understand about who Jesus is and why He was on this planet two thousand years ago. God has really blessed me with the wisdom to talk to these people who have had their own gods for ages. Every person and every household has their own gods and idols in their villages and houses. It is a big challenge to me to help them understand their need (for a Savior).
All I am doing is going to the villages, meeting new people there repeatedly, and preaching the Truth. I am giving them the raw Gospel, that’s it. The rest of the work belongs to the Holy Spirit. I am praying for them.
Please pray that I am able to travel to many more villages, because there is totally darkness everywhere. It is my responsibility to bring the light–the Gospel that changes their lives forever!
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
Romans 10:14-15
God bless,
Pastor 7*
*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.