God Is Opening New Doors

Sorry for the delay in sending this update! We praise God for you all and for your love for the Lord and for His ministry. Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support.  We appreciate you all for partnering with us in the ministry of the Gospel. Though persecution is increasing in our area, the work of the Lord is continuing to grow.  Because of your prayers, the Lord is opening new doors for ministry.  We know that we are weak, but the Lord is mighty. Because of your prayers, we get courage and power to progress in ministry with the power of God. 

 The Lord has opened a new door for ministry in a village that is about 20 kilometers from our home town. Two families in the village have believed in Jesus. They went through lots of persecution, but they remained faithful to the Lord. The Lord has given us this opportunity to teach them the Word and help them grow in Him.

We have started Sunday worship as well in this village. There are 9 people in one family and 5 people in the other family. They have all been baptized except for the grandfather. Please pray that this fellowship will grow and that many more families of the village and its surrounding area will be saved. Please also pray that the Lord will protect this fellowship and us from opposition and that if again persecution arises, the Lord will give us boldness to face it and be His witnesses to the persecutors.
There a is joint family in the city, where an elderly widow lives with her older son’s widow and her two children (22 year-old son and 16 year-old daughter) and her second son and his wife and their three children.  This elderly woman’s husband died when he was still young. Her older son died while he was also young. Now, her younger son is sick.
The family has spent so much money in his treatment, but there has been no improvement in his health.  He is the provider for the whole joint family. The family is afraid that he will also die young, as the other two male members of the family have.
This family invites us for prayer. We have been visiting the family and sharing the Gospel with them. We came to know that they are also going to Muslims and Hindu sorcerers. So, last time we visited them we told them that our God does not share His glory with anyone else. They have to stop going to other gods and believe in Jesus only if they want to see the Lord’s work.  We ask for your prayers for this family.  

We still do Sunday Service’s message on Facebook live.  We have not stopped this live message because many non- Christians listen to the messages on Facebook.  Please pray for those non-Christians–that the Word of God will change their lives and they will come to the saving knowledge of the Lord.

On Thursday night, before Good Friday, we showed the film “Passion of Christ”. For the first time we had a feet washing ceremony (right). May the Lord help us to be humble in our heart and follow His foot steps in everything that we do.

Thank you again for your prayers and financial support for the ministry.

Co-workers in Christ,

Pastor 15* Family

*Names and Faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.