Go Therefore! – Pastor 6 Update August 2023

A biblical understanding of just these two words is far-reaching. It clearly is because, the authority rests on God to help us make the move in going everywhere He leads. All authority is His alone. It is on His authority we trust Him in everyplace He sends us.

So much so, that this commandment has reverberated in our souls that we waited upon the Lord and sought His heart to lead us wherever He wills after finishing the school semester. After much waiting, the Lord in His grace, has opened doors to J*, one of the main cities in a state which has been hostile to the Gospel. As soon as the meetings had been scheduled, all the staff, along with the students sat in prayer, intercession, and pleading with God to save souls in the areas in and around J*. The Lord, in His provision, has provided for the needs of each and every one. It was decided in the counsel of the Lord, that all of us must be divided into two teams. One team was sent via train to travel for 20 hours; alternatively, another team was sent via car to travel for 15 hours. Thanks be to God, that both of our teams have reached their areas safely. Brethren, there was a warm welcome upon reaching our destination, which is worth sharing with you all. As the team, who came via train, reached J* railway station, we saw a group of welcomers waiting for our team to arrive with a bouquet and with lots of love! This left all of our team in great surprise (even the passengers, too), because this was something unplanned and unexpected. Assuredly, the love of Christ reigned all our hearts. 

Set-Apart Youth Meeting at J*

A church is located in the deep forests of J*. This also happens to be the church of one our students. All of our team members were in preparation with prayer and intercession and the day had finally come to start the meetings. The very first day, there was a turnout of 50 young adults, coming from nearby neighborhoods and villages. A choir from the church led us all in praise and worship which was a blessing. Then one of our brothers, P K*, was asked to share his testimony with the young adults. He alluded to the fact that not only should young adults have a testimony but should share it with the world. To do that, it should be our focus daily to be set-apart from the world and preach the Word to this dying world. Truly, truly all of the young adults were blessed to hear the importance of a Word-driven life of a Christian. It was then time for preaching and teaching. The sermon was given by Brother A* about the difference between a true worshipper and a false worshipper taken from the example of Mary and Judas in Mark 14. The message was thought-provoking and helped the young adults to examine what kind of worshipers they are. We pray, that the Word which was planted may bring a harvest in due season. We wrapped up the 1st day with a luncheon as a family in Christ. 

There was much expectation and excitement among the youth, about what they would witness in the final day of youth meeting. God didn’t let them down. He used us individually and collectively as a team in all the activities involved and games played. Activities were divided as such: that they would seek, search, find, and know the Word of God. I shared the Word of God about not following the pattern of this world, but instead being transformed by the Word of God. It was another pressing message, for the youth, to be set-apart for God and His will. At the end, we had a thought-provoking questionnaire session with young adults. Many questions were asked regarding faith, baptism, sin, Christianity, and many more. We were so blessed to have such a great opportunity to answer, counsel, and mentor the young adults. We pray, that all these young people may grow more in grace and the knowledge of Christ. 

Pastors’ Meeting 

The area where we are in the south, is entirely different from J* when compared to the geographical, demographical, and cultural aspects. Since we began praying for guidance about whether or not to go to J*, we all had in mind the pros and cons of doing ministry in a state hit by persecution. We always prayed for the persecuted disciples in that location, but never got to witness the reality of it until we went, and gathered to see and hear the cost of being a witness for Christ there. Local pastors, along with our staff and students had a fruitful time of fellowship. I shared the word from 2 Tim. 1. The word was timely which was titled “ not ashamed of the Gospel-in times of suffering”. It was so encouraging that the Word of God edified the body of Christ. Then, pastors got to share their personal experiences working in the field. Some of the stories are heartbreaking and disturbing to go through. All of our students who sat there, were very moved in their hearts upon hearing the testimonies of the co-workers. We thank the Lord, that He gave us the opportunity to come along with fellow brothers in Christ and we pray and hope that the fellowship may be a soothing aroma to Christ, the author and finisher of our faith. 

Ranital Youth Meetings : 

We wrapped up our schedule in J* by conducting Youth meetings in R*. R* is a vast neighbourhood in the heart of the city of J*. It’s a predominantly T* speaking neighbourhood, where many T* moved to J* for livelihood reasons long ago.  We believe that meeting with young people from this community is an open door from God, himself. All the 3 days that we ministered there, we felt as if we were our “home away from home”. Praise and worship was done in our home language T*! The Word was preached in T* and testimonies were given in T*! Truly, truly, it is beautiful to see, the brothers in Christ come in love and worship the Lord. The main theme for these meetings was to set a call upon the young people, to be set-apart from this world and turn back to God. Brothers from R*, want our team to visit them again. May the Lord help us in wisdom and love, in ministering to our brothers in this community.

My Wife’s Update

I’m so thankful to God that He’s opened doors for me to minister in the women’s conference and children camp.

Women’s Conference

By the grace of God it was a blessing to see 60 ladies join in the women’s conference. God led me to conduct this conference in a new way to share and lead. We had worship, action dances, games and sermons. Since there were many young women present, I preached about the characteristics of Godly women, daughters, and mothers. God strengthened me, so that I could preach with confidence before many women. 

They very much liked the sermons which I preached using illustrations through action songs about Ruth,  Hanna, and Sarah from the Bible. May the seed which was sown work in their hearts. Upon finishing the conference, I was told by many of the women, that it is a new and blessed experience to learn through action songs along with the Word of God. I am really grateful to God that He gave me courage to share the Word of God. It has been such a blessed time to have been able to get connected with many families and make new friends as well.

Children’s camp

I would like to take this opportunity to share about children’s camp. More than 50 kids joined who came from nearby villages from J*. We taught them many Bible stories, games, and action dances. Similarly we made them play a treasure hunt. It was very interesting and fun. We gave them gifts to encourage and bless them. We also provided snacks and lunch for the kids. They enjoyed being in the presence of God. We are so blessed to see them grow. God has a great purpose in each and everyone’s life. He works through us in different ways and in different places to bring glory to His name. I never knew I could do all this, but God is amazing. He chose Moses and David and He chose me to do both the women’s conference and children’s camp.

We are really thankful to God for his provision and his protection over us. 

T* Village Ministry  Update

We are very thankful that you are praying for us and the ministry that we are doing here. I am very happy to share what’s happening in the village. Before we shared about a women named K*. I shared in my last news letter that she is in the dangerous situation. She’s pregnant and is having a lot of health problems. In the beginning of her pregnancy, the doctor told that she will die because she ate sand and stones. Her health condition became very serious. She told me that she prayed to God for the first time for the help. God amazingly healed her and brought her out of the hospital. GOOD NEWS! God has blessed her with  beautiful baby girl. Its a great joy. In the midst of a lot of struggles, finally God has filled her life with joy and blessed her. Thank you all for praying.


  1. Pray for N*. She has cancer in her stomach.
  2. Pray for M. He has blood clots in brain.
  3. Our upcoming semester starts in the month of August. Please pray for it.
  4. Pray for our new church plants in M*, T*, K*, and N*. 
  5. Pray for me to grow in the knowledge of Christ.
  6. Pray for A* and her family to have peace.
  7. Pray for our church’s ministries: 1) Men’s Bible Study 2) Young Adults Bible Study, 3) Sunday School Ministry 4) Women’s Ministry 
  8. Pray for our upcoming youth conference on July 28th.
  9. Pray for our upcoming women’s conference planned for September 19th. 

Thank you,

Pastor 6* and Family

*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.